viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2019

December 20, 2019


  • Karcher put together 1,050 dollars to help 6 of our Karcher families with the holidays!  Each family was gifted 175 dollars due to the generosity of Karcher staff!  
    • Samantha Meyer talked with some of the families and they wanted to pass along their gratitude to staff that supported them.  Both ladies stated they were crying with tears of joy and are so blessed by the gift. Both have been stressed about what they were going to do for gifts and such, so the staff's generosity is a blessing for both families.
  • Brad Ferstenou and Stephanie Rummler for their time and efforts with Student Council to create a fun week for both staff and students.  From the dress up days to the candy grams and hot chocolate.  These are the things that continue to build upon the Karcher community!  
  • Kudos as well to Jon Nelson and Eric Sulik for all of their behind the scenes planning for our final assembly and time with students for the year 2019!  It is always a great time for both staff and students!  
  • Kudos to all the staff who played in the staff vs student basketball game or helped with the student sections, passing out of candy, etc, etc, etc.  It was a GREAT ending of 2019 at Karcher!
  • Congrats to Sue Bekken... new grandma to little Grady Brett Layne!  Grady was born on December 17 at 5:44 and weight 6lbs 1oz and 18 inches long!  What a little peanut! 
2019 coming to a close... 

When thinking back on this year I think about August and our inservice where you all brought items from your cars to the library.  We all learned that Ellen Murphy as a lot of things in her car :)  We learned our "True Colors" again and think about them often when working with each other.  We had bats flying in the hallways and learned that you want Donna Sturdevant with you in the event you need to capture anything that is a wild animal!  We had our last memory on the field/track/stands at field day as our district broke ground for the construction of the new middle school.  

We saw the continued efforts and supports for each other when we were short subs and saw the willingness to step in and support without question.  We supported and helped each other when some on our staff have become ill, injured themselves, had a loss in their family, or an addition to their family.  This staff truly is a flock of geese.  I remember sharing that actual geese (this is true look it up!) if one goes down another from the flock will go down with it until it can rejoin the group.  Geese always take turns taking the lead.  So many times this year we have seen staff taking the lead, going down with a colleague to support until they are back on their feet.  Karcher is an amazing place to be!  I mean... who has a Mike Jones that puts together a crazy amount of cool activities for the staff for two solid weeks!!!  

Take time for yourselves and I hope you are not reading this until at least December 30th!  Enjoy your families and friends as the year 2019 comes to a close.  Be present for all of them and make memories!  Remember... it is about the journey... not the destination.  

See you in 2020!  


New Construction Information 
  • To separate out information just pertaining to the new middle school I put together a blog just for the 6-8 KMS building!
  • Click HERE to access the new building blog. I will add information here when things come up and will always have the link here in the blog for all of you! It is also on the Karcher Calendar :)))

2020 start:  
  • Thursday, January 2 - School resumes!
  • Tuesday, January 7 - Jon Nelson will be serving as the Principal/Dean of Students for the day as Annie and I will at the Gateway building for an administrative day focusing on learning more about the School Report Card and Forward data. 
    • Thank you Jon!!!!
  • Wednesday, January 8 - 10 is 8th grade Outdoor Education!  
Looking ahead:  
  • Tuesday, January 14 - Start of new iTime rotation!  
    • 7th grade math data was analyzed and pulled first, ELA second this time.  
    • 8th grade ELA data was analyzed and pulled first, math second this time. 
    • Click HERE to see the iTime groups.  
    • By January 9 a copy of your advisory list and where each student needs to go for the start of iTime will be in your mailbox.  
    • All of your iTime groups have been inputed into iReady for you to see your instructional group and have time to plan.  
      • This is how they were coded:  
        • 2020 January iTime (teacher)
        • Thank you Kris Thomsen and Kim Moss for helping behind the scenes with this work!
    • If you have any questions about iTime please let me know!  And thank you for all of your dedication and efforts to ensure all students are getting individualized support in the areas of reading and math!   
Pictures from the week