domingo, 29 de abril de 2018

April 30, 2018


Karcher 2017-2018 School Calendar

Students of the week!!!!!!! 
(Running slide show) 

Facebook Page:

Great ARTICLE about the importance of knowledge within the teaching of skills.  Essential Skills elevates the knowledge base students need to know and understand in order to think at a higher level.  A student cannot be proficient if they do not have a strong understanding of the content knowledge.  The content understanding takes place in the basic and developing portions of a rubric and then it is the deep thinking and connections (skills) a student makes that elevates their understanding of the content to a proficient level.  This is also why all of our subjects are important! 
  • Kudos to Rod Stoughton and Dustan Eckmann for a great Jazz Fest concert his past week! 
  • Thank you to Kim Moss, Jane Peterson, Marian Hancock, and Amanda Wilks for everything you do our Karcher!!!  
  • Kudos to Steve Berezowitz and Becky Hoesly for your work setting up the 7th grade field trip to the Gateway -Elkhorn Campus for all of our 7th grade students.  Kudos as well to our   staff for assisting!  It was a great opportunity for our students! 

  • New website:  new BASD website
  • ELA... it is your week to have students email their parents/guardians about the happenings in ELA over the past five weeks!  
  • Monday, April 30 - Katie Newholm will be taking a group of students on a transition trip to BHS.  They will be leaving at 8:45 and returning around 12:45.  
  • Monday, April 30 - This is the final week for students to makeup/take their Forward Exams.  We still have a few students who need to complete assessments and will call them to the library to do so.  
  • Wednesday, May 2 - iTime PLC
    • Please use this time in the library to discuss the LAST iTime rotation for the 2018-2019 school year!  Note... it is only a 3 day iTime rotation!  
  • Friday, May 4 - 8th grade field trip to Gateway - Elkhorn Campus for those students who turn in a permission slip and sign up.  The first 100 students to sign up will be able to attend.  Please encourage students to go!  
  • Friday, May 4 - Start of the Music - Cleveland trip with advisor Rod Stoughton!  About 70 students will be attending!  They return on May 6.  
  • May 7 - May 18 - 3rd Floor High School AP Testing 
    • The entire 3rd floor will be occupied by our high school students for AP testing.  As a district this was a great location to utilize for testing as it is quiet and meets the strict guidelines for the testing environments.  
    • Therefore, you cannot reserve or have students utilize the hallways, auditorium, or classrooms on the 3rd floor throughout these two weeks.  
    • High school staff and testing proctors will be on school grounds as well as the high school students.  If any were needing assistance with where AP testing is taking place please assist them with getting to the 3rd floor.  They are using basically all the rooms aligned with the 21st Century Lab and the auditorium as a "waiting room".  

Pictures from this past week!
Track and Field meet at BHS this past week!

Jazz Fest!

Kiwanis Art Show - our student's work!  

7th grade field trip to Gateway-Elkhorn Campus!