2019-2020 Karcher Calendar
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KarcherMiddleSchool/
BASD Staff Blog: https://basdstaffnews.blogspot.com/
2019-2020 Karcher Calendar
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KarcherMiddleSchool/
BASD Staff Blog: https://basdstaffnews.blogspot.com/
- MIKE JONES everybody MIKE JONES!!! If you didn't say thank you to him yet... you should! Mike put in a TON of time and effort to bring cheer to the staff at Karcher and man... did he ever! Go hug him... just do it... go hug him!
- Though I never found a reindeer (clever one was Joe VanDommelen finding one in the mini fridge in the staff lounge - good one Mike) it was so great to see EVERYONE coming up with their reindeer all excited to have found one! Here are a few moments captured from the "Reindeer Games".
- Thanks again Mike for EVERYTHING you did over the past two weeks! Mike really was "Acting like a goose" - thank you for demonstrating your leadership, character, and desire to continue to build upon the culture here at Karcher!
- What a fabulous choir concert this past week! Rod Stoughton sure knows how to make you almost want to cry when listening to our students sing! Such a beautiful concert! And... thank you to Dustan Eckmann for helping with sound and Andrea Pangburn for being there to support one of our students!
- Thank you to Jon Nelson and Eric Sulik for all of your efforts and work to put together our final event of 2019 at Karcher! This coming Friday will be a great time for our students and staff as we all head into the winter break! Thank you to those who are willing to play in the staff vs. basketball game, help with the prizes, assist with the activities, be in the stands with the students, and for everything you do to provide a great environment for our students!
Quote this week: As I reflect back on this past week it was noticeable some of our students are feeling vulnerable, nervous, scared, and/or sad. Breaks and holidays mean so many different things to different people. Continue to be cognizant of our student's individual needs... show empathy and have compassion for each of our students. Remember who the adult is when talking with students. It was so great to see staff having one on one conversations with students to help them through whatever they may have been struggling with. Remember... saying, "What are we struggling with?" is much better than "Why did you do that?" I saw Kurt Rummler bring a student up to talk with her privately in the office area while Annie, Steve, and I were talking with other students this past Friday. Know that we notice the work you are doing and appreciate everything you all do each day. Our break may not just be tough for some of our students, it may be tough for some of our colleagues... show your care and concern to everyone this week.
New Construction Information
- To separate out information just pertaining to the new middle school I put together a blog just for the 6-8 KMS building!
- UPDATE blog: click HERE to access the new building blog. I will add information here when things come up and will always have the link here in the blog for all of you! It is also on the Karcher Calendar :)))
Dress up days for students and staff!!!
- Monday - Ugly sweater day
- Tuesday - Christmas socks, crocks, and Christmas hats/head gear items
- Wednesday - White out for a snow day
- Thursday - Christmas Characters & Superheros
- Friday - Pajamas/Sweats day
This week:
- Huddle Week during extended advisory! This is our "advisory +" group of students... where academics take students from the elective advisories. But... elective staff... please keep your advisory on Monday to get your advisory all set and signed up for Friday!
- Monday, December 16 - During our extended advisory make sure you go into the shared document and slides for the assembly on Friday. The document/slides are all about the assembly and each advisory needs to have students signed up for the different activities! So... go to the Karcher calendar and click on the link shared on December 16! Awesome things planned!!!
- Monday, December 16 - 7th & 8th grade Student Council Field Trip!
- Wisconsin Student Council Association leadership conference is being held in conjunction with the Bucks game!!! Therefore, our student council will be leaving at 11:30. If you have questions ask Stephanie Rummler or Brad Ferstenou!
- Stephanie shared the list of who is attending and Brad Ferstenou will share the 7th grade list!
- Wednesday, December 18 - 8th grade incentive during Huddle Time!
- Wednesday, December 18 - Staff "Holiday Themed" Luncheon! Interpret that as you would like :) Sign-up is in the office!
- Wednesday, December 18 - YAR students have a meeting at 10:20-11:20.
- Wednesday, December 18 - NO PLC!!!!!!! Use this time as teacher work time to help take care of anything you want to take care of prior to going into winter break!
- Thursday, December 19 - 7th grade incentive during Huddle Time!
- Thursday, December 19 - Cookie Exchange after school for those participating!
- Friday, December 20 - Afternoon Assembly Schedule.
- Sitting by house in the bleachers... far left (Diamond), next (Onyx), next (Silver), and closest to the doors (Hive).
- Those not playing in the game please sit with your house!
Looking ahead:
- Thursday, January 2 - School resumes!
- Tuesday, January 7 - Jon Nelson will be serving as the Principal/Dean of Students for the day as Annie and I will at the Gateway building for an administrative day with all the admin within the district. Thank you Jon!!!!
- Wednesday, January 8 - 10 is 8th grade Outdoor Education!
Pictures from the week