sábado, 27 de abril de 2019

April 29, 2019

  • Thank you to Kim Moss, Jane Peterson, Pam Bauer, and Kris Thomsen for your work to keep the building going!  There is a TON of behind the scenes things going on that they assist with taking care of to help ensure our day to day operations and needs are taken care of for Karcher. So... thanks again for all you do for our students, staff and school!  
  • Thank you to Ryan Heft, Wendy Zeman, Eric Sulik, and Sue Bekken for your work putting together all the needs for the advisory work and assembly for our students this past week!  From talking with students this assembly was one they really enjoyed and felt a connection to the presenter.  And... kudos to Stephanie Rummler for your willingness and courage to get up in front of everyone and dance!  And... for your dance to now be viewed on our Facebook page :)))  
  • And kudos to Steve Berezowitz for setting up the Gateway trip for our 7th grade Diamond House students this past Friday.  Staff who attended shared that it went well for our students!  

Article for this week:  

Lessons of Mastery Learning

Thomas R. Guskey
The core elements of mastery learning provide the foundation for other innovative models, including Response to Intervention.
Every year, educators are inundated with demands to implement new instructional interventions, all promising to improve student learning. It can be difficult, however, for school leaders to verify these claims. Under pressure to make improvements, many schools simply proceed with implementation, hoping against the odds that the promised results will materialize.
Fortunately, many innovations include elements of more established strategies for which evidence of positive effects does exist. Among these research-supported strategies, one of the most powerful is mastery learning. Few strategies have been implemented as broadly or evaluated as thoroughly during the last 40 years. The core elements of mastery learning also provide the foundation for many innovations and interventions that teachers are implementing in classrooms today.

How Mastery Learning Works

Most current applications of mastery learning stem from the work of Benjamin S. Bloom (1971, 1976, 1984), who considered how teachers might adapt the most powerful aspects of tutoring and individualized instruction to improve student learning in general education classrooms. Bloom suggested that although students vary widely in their learning rates and modalities, if teachers could provide the necessary time and appropriate learning conditions, nearly all students could reach a high level of achievement.
Bloom observed that teachers' traditional practice was to organize curriculum content into units and then check on students' progress at the end of each unit. These checks on learning progress, he reasoned, would be much more valuable if they were used as part of the teaching and learning process to provide feedback on students' individual learning difficulties and then to prescribe specific remediation activities.
Bloom outlined a strategy to incorporate these feedback and corrective procedures, which he labeled mastery learning (Bloom, 1971). In using this strategy, teachers organize the important concepts and skills they want students to acquire into learning units, each requiring about a week or two of instructional time. Following high-quality initial instruction, teachers administer a formative assessment (Bloom, Hastings, & Madaus, 1971) that identifies precisely what students have learned well and where they still need additional work. The formative assessment includes explicit, targeted suggestions—termed correctives—about what students must do to correct their learning difficulties and to master the desired learning outcomes.
When students complete their corrective activities (after a class period or two), they take a second, parallel formative assessment that addresses the same learning goals of the unit but includes somewhat different problems, questions, or prompts. The second formative assessment verifies whether the correctives were successful in helping students remedy their individual learning difficulties. It also serves as a powerful motivational tool by offering students a second chance to succeed.
Along with the corrective activities, Bloom recommended that teachers plan enrichment or extension activities for students who demonstrate their proficiency on the first formative assessment. Enrichment activities give these students exciting opportunities to broaden and expand their learning.
Bloom believed that nearly all students, when provided with the more favorable learning conditions of mastery learning, could truly master academic content (Bloom, 1976; Guskey, 1997a). A large body of research has borne him out: When compared with students in traditionally taught classes, students in well-implemented mastery learning classes consistently reach higher levels of achievement and develop greater confidence in their ability to learn and in themselves as learners (Anderson, 1994; Guskey & Pigott, 1988; Kulik, Kulik, & Bangert-Drowns, 1990).

Elements Mastery Learning and Other Interventions Share

The following core elements of mastery learning are evident in many more recently developed instructional models and interventions. Research has consistently linked these elements to highly effective instruction and student learning success (Guskey, 2009; Marzano, 2009; Rosenshine, 2009).

Diagnostic Pre-Assessment with Preteaching

Most mastery learning models stress the importance of administering a quick and targeted pre-assessment to all students before beginning instruction to determine whether they have the prerequisite knowledge and skills for success in the upcoming learning sequence. Some teachers pre-assess students orally by asking them about previous learning experiences or understandings; others use short surveys or quizzes. For students whose preassessment results suggest deficiencies, mastery learning teachers take time to directly teach them the needed concepts and skills. In other words, teachers ensure the conditions for success before instruction begins.
Leyton (1983), a student of Bloom, studied the effects of teaching identified prerequisite skills to entering students. He began by administering a short pre-assessment to all students to measure the knowledge and skills that teachers considered essential for learning success in their high school classes. In half of the classes, teachers used the pre-assessment results to help students identify and then review the prerequisite concepts and skills they did not possess. In the other classes, students began learning new material immediately, but at a slower pace.
After nine weeks of instruction, students in the classes that had reviewed the missing prerequisite concepts and skills were far more likely to have achieved mastery, measured by 80 percent or more correct on a cumulative, summative examination. Because Leyton's study was conducted in only a few subject areas (mathematics and foreign language) and under tightly controlled conditions, these results must be cautiously interpreted. Still, when viewed in light of similar research (Deshler & Schumaker, 1993; Vockell, 1993), the results demonstrate the potential benefit of relatively brief preteaching for students whose prerequisite knowledge and skills are weak or deficient.
Mastery learning's diagnostic assessment is similar to the idea of universal screening in Response to Intervention (RTI) models (Mellard & Johnson, 2008). Most descriptions of RTI stress the importance of initiating the instructional process with a targeted assessment of all students that is quick, inexpensive, and focused on crucial knowledge, skills, and behaviors. This universal screening helps teachers identify students who are at risk of learning difficulties and are likely to require especially close monitoring during the instructional process.

High-Quality, Group-Based Initial Instruction

Every description of mastery learning, as well as other interventions such as Understanding by Design (UbD) and RTI, emphasizes the importance of engaging all students in high-quality, developmentally appropriate, research-based instruction in the general education classroom. UbD (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005) includes a toolbox of instructional approaches for obtaining the desired results from initial instruction. In many RTI models, this is considered the first level of intervention, also called Tier 1 or primary prevention (Fuchs & Fuchs, 2006). Such instruction should be multifaceted; adapted to the context; tied to students' interests and experiences; and differentiated according to the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and background characteristics of students (Astleitner, 2005; Conroy, Sutherland, Snyder, & Marsh, 2008).

Progress Monitoring Through Regular Formative Assessments

Another element of mastery learning that many other interventions share is the use of regular formative assessments to systematically monitor student progress and give students prescriptive feedback (Hattie & Timperley, 2007). These brief classroom assessments measure the most important learning goals from an instructional unit and typically are administered after a week or two of instruction. They reinforce precisely what students were expected to learn, identify what they learned well, and describe what they need to learn better.
Formative assessments vary in form depending on the subject area, the grade level, and the learning outcomes involved. They may be short quizzes, written assignments, oral presentations, skill demonstrations, or performances. In essence, formative assessments are any device teachers use to gather evidence of student learning.
Formative assessments provide the basis of all programs that emphasize assessment "for" learning, as opposed to assessment "of" learning (Stiggins, 2009). Most RTI models refer to this component asprogress monitoring. In many RTI classrooms, progress-monitoring assessments are administered weekly, although they may be more frequent, depending on the subject area and nature of the class.

High-Quality Corrective Instruction

It would be foolish to charge ahead knowing that students have not learned key concepts or skills well. Following formative assessments, therefore, mastery learning teachers provide high-quality corrective instruction designed to remedy whatever learning problems the assessments identified.
High-quality corrective instruction is not the same as "reteaching," which often consists simply of restating the original explanations louder and more slowly. Instead, mastery learning teachers use corrective instruction approaches that accommodate differences in students' learning styles, learning modalities, or types of intelligence (Sternberg, 1994). Some teachers engage students in peer tutoring or cooperative learning groups. Others use paraprofessional instructional aides.
In mastery learning classes, corrective activities typically add about 10–20 percent more time to initial learning units (Block, Efthim, & Burns, 1989). For a unit of a week or two in length, for example, corrective instruction might last one or two days. Bloom (1974) argued, however, that intense, individualized assistance offered early in an instructional sequence would drastically reduce the time needed for remediation in later units. Because corrective instruction guarantees that students have the learning prerequisites for subsequent units, initial instruction in later units can proceed more rapidly, allowing teachers to cover just as much material as they would using more traditional methods (Guskey, 2008).
Providing instructional alternatives based on differences in students' learning styles or modalities is the basis of differentiated instruction (Tomlinson, Brimijoin, & Narvaez, 2008). In the RTI model, mastery learning's corrective instruction may be referred to as Tier 2 intervention or secondary prevention (Fuchs & Fuchs, 2006). Like corrective instruction, this intervention usually takes place in the general education classroom but may be directed by another teacher or instructional aide.
Both corrective instruction and Tier 2 intervention emphasize the use of small-group instruction with individualized assistance organized according to the needs and skill level of the students involved. Both also stress that instruction at this level must be qualitatively different from the initial instruction, offering students an alternative approach and additional time to learn.

Second, Parallel Formative Assessments

In mastery learning, assessments are not a one-shot, do-or-die experience; instead, they are part of an ongoing effort to help students learn. So after corrective activities, mastery learning teachers give students a second, parallel formative assessment that helps determine the effectiveness of the corrective instruction and offers students a second chance to demonstrate mastery and experience success. RTI similarly requires frequent assessment of student learning progress to check on the effectiveness of intervention strategies.
Mastery learning teachers make a point of recognizing those students who do well on the initial formative assessments. ***But they also acknowledge that students who do well on the second formative assessment have learned just as much and deserve the same grades as those who scored well on their first try.
The driver's license examination offers a comparable example. Many individuals do not pass their driver's test on the first attempt. On the second or third try, however, they may reach the same high level of performance as others did on their first. Would it be appropriate to restrict these drivers, for instance, to driving in fair weather only? In inclement weather, should they be required to pull over and park until the weather clears? That would be ridiculous. Because they eventually met the same high performance standards as those who passed on their initial attempt, they receive the same privileges. The same should hold true for students who engage in corrective activities and eventually show that they, too, have learned well.

Enrichment or Extension Activities

Mastery learning teachers also offer effective enrichment activities that provide valuable, challenging, and rewarding learning experiences for learners who have mastered the material and do not need corrective instruction. These activities should enable successful learners to explore in greater depth a range of related topics that keenly interest them but lie beyond the established curriculum. Many teachers draw from activities developed for gifted and talented students when planning enrichment activities, including challenging academic games and exercises, various multimedia projects, and peer tutoring (Whiting, Van Burgh, & Render, 1995). They are also a part of classrooms implementing differentiated instruction (Tomlinson, 2006).
Students engaged in enrichment activities gain valuable learning experiences without necessarily moving ahead in the instructional sequence. This makes it easier for other students who have been doing corrective work (or Tier 2 intervention in an RTI model) to resume their place in the regular instructional sequence when they are done. Otherwise, they would be placed in the impossible situation of having to remedy problems from the past while trying to keep up with the new concepts and skills presented in subsequent units.
The challenge for teachers in implementing enrichment or extension activities is to ensure that these activities engage students in truly valuable learning experiences. Having successful learners simply bide their time, doing more, harder problems or completing busywork while others are engaged in corrective instruction would be highly inappropriate. Enrichment activities must provide these students with opportunities to pursue their interests, extend their understanding, and broaden their learning experiences.

Sustaining and Extending Success

Researchers today generally recognize the value of the core elements of mastery learning. As a result, fewer studies are being conducted on the mastery learning process itself. Instead, researchers are looking for ways to attain even more impressive gains by improving students' learning processes, curriculum and instructional materials, and the home learning environment and support and providing a focus on higher level thinking skills. Work on integrating mastery learning with other innovative strategies appears especially promising (Guskey, 1997b).
As we strive to improve achievement even further, we can continue to learn from the core elements of mastery learning. Attention to these elements will enable educators to make great strides in their efforts to close achievement gaps and help all students achieve excellence.

  • Forward Exam:  This is the last week to get makeup testing finished for all of our students as the Forward window closes this Friday, May 3.  We will be pulling students from classes to complete their assessments as needed and we thank you for your help with sending them to ensure testing is completed!  
  • Reminder for all staff:  When planning a field trip please make sure you are contacting Thomas Bus and determining the cost for the bus along with the cost for the rest of the trip.  The bus cost should be factored into the trip cost for all students as it needs to be factored into your total cost of the trip!  Just a friendly reminder to not forget this step!  
  • Monday, April 29 - 8th grade special education students will be going to the high school for a transition field trip from 7:30 - 8:50. 
    • Amanda Thate will share which students will be attending this transition trip sometime on Sunday, April 28.   
  • Monday, April 29 - Technology District Committee from 3:45 - 5:15 in the Tech Lab.  
  • Tuesday, April 30 - 8th grade only:  
    • We will have 6th hour during iTime so there is no iTime on Tuesday.  
    • Then... please still have your 6th hour report to your classroom during our actual 6th hour and then bring them up to the auditorium for the Partners2 presentation.  This presentation is about the transition to high school where high school students will be talking to our 8th graders to help calm any nerves any of them have about going to high school.  This should only take place during 6th hour but students may be slightly late to 7th hour based on the presentation.  
    • Applied Academics Teachers - After bringing your 6th hour students to the auditorium, you can take your prep!
  • Tuesday, April 30 - Special Education Department meeting in the small conference room from 2:40 - 3:15.  
  • Wednesday, May 1 - YAR student group will be meeting from 8:05 - 9:05 in room 107!  
  • Wednesday, May 1 - Due to needing to cancel our PLC last week due to a student issue we will hold PLC this week in the library.  Our focus will be to take a look at some formative assessments and discuss what a true formative assessment should look like to inform your instruction.  
  • Thursday, May 2 - End of your first iTime rotation! 
  • Friday, May 3 - Change for Time:  
    • 7th grade:  Students with their 1st hour teacher working on missing work, iReady, or SSR.  
    • 8th grade:  Students who should be attending the Summer Survivor presentation in the auditorium should report to the auditorium right after you take attendance/announcements are given.  
    • 8th grade:  Students not attending Summer Survivor meeting should report to their 2nd hour teacher and work on missing work, iReady, or SSR.  

    Looking ahead:  
  • May 6 - May 10 = Teacher Appreciation Week!!!
  • Monday, May 6 - Essential Skills District Committee from 3:45 - 5:15 in our Karcher library.  
    • Focused on bringing an example summative assessment set up to align with subskills.  
  • Tuesday, May 7 - Start of our second iTime rotation so make sure we all share with our students during advisory prior to iTime on Tuesday morning.  
  • Friday, May 10 - 8th grade class to the University of Milwaukee so that all of our students have the opportunity to visit a 4 year campus!  Our 7th graders all were able to see and get on a technical college campus with our Gateway trips.  
    • Steve will share more details with the team as the date gets closer.  
    Pictures from the week

    7th grade group of students who made the iReady incentive and picked dodgeball!  

    Ms. Pelnar working through a mini lesson with her students - sharing her metacognition.  

    Students in art class are currently working through 4 different projects.  As students move to new steps Ms. Pelnar does a mini lesson with just those students who are ready for the next piece of instruction needed to continue.  

    Students enjoying their time at recess!

    Assembly on The Power of Words with Eric Samuel Timm!

    Ms. Smith did a GREAT job utilizing her metacognition during a mini lesson this past week!

    jueves, 18 de abril de 2019

    April 22, 2019

    • Kudos to Kris Thomsen who will be our new Library/Office Aide starting Monday, April 22!  Kris will be a great asset to our team in the library and is excited to start!  Congrats again Kris!  
      • Margaret Starzyk will be filling Kris's old position as special education aide, also starting on Monday.  
    • We also filled our open special education teacher position (as Ashley Parr is moving) with Joe VanDommelen.  Joe is currently a special education teacher at Elkhorn High School and has been there for four years.  Prior to that Joe taught social studies for one year at Parish Consolidated School as he is dual certified in special education and social studies.  Joe will be a great addition to our team!  
    • And... kudos to Ryan Heft as he will be taking the open Assistant Principal position at the high school starting at the start of the 2019-2020 school year.  As an administrative team we feel Ryan will be an asset to the high school and bring a strong skill set in his understanding of Essential Skills to help continue our work at the high school.  He will be missed here but we are not done with him yet!  A posting for the Dean of Students position will be coming in the near future.  
    • Great job staff on a strong two weeks of Forward Testing!  Everyone worked hard with all of our students to ensure they had the best teaching environment so all students could put their best foot forward!  
    • Kudos to Brad Ferstenou and Stephanie Rummler for your behind the scenes work with the Student Council and Leadership students to create signs for every student's locker to encourage students during Forward Testing Week!  Great job and great idea!  

    • April 22-23 for 7th grade:  
      • 22nd - prep for assembly in advisories 
      • 23rd - students who get the incentive will attend the incentive.  Those not will report to their 1st hour academic teacher and SSR or do iReady.  
    • April 22-23 for 8th grade:  
      • 22nd - students who get the incentive will attend the incentive.  Those not will report to their 2nd hour academic teacher and SSR or do iReady. 
      • 23rd - prep for assembly in advisories 
    • Wednesday, April 24 - Administrative Assistants Day! 
      • In order to celebrate the work Kim Moss, Jane Peterson, Pam Bauer, and now Kris Thomsen lets do a pot luck!
      • Those willing... please bring in a dish to share for a luncheon for them!  We will make sure they have time to be down in the staff lounge for both lunches in order to eat with all of you!  
    • Wednesday, April 24 - Youth Alive Assembly - Afternoon assembly schedule 
      • 12:52 - 1:42 all students will be in the gym for the assembly.  
      • 1:45 - 2:30 
        • The following students will remain in the gym though for a follow up activity with the presenter so they will not be back in advisories:  
          • Student Council
          • Leadership Team
          • YAR 
          • Campus Life 
        • Students back to advisories.  If you have less than 10 kids left in your advisory due to students staying in the gym then you can combine with your advisory partner for the 1:45 - 2:30 time frame.  

    • Wednesday, April 24 - PLC in the library.  
      • We will be looking at some formative assessments and having conversations around the use of formative assessments.  
    • Thursday, April 25 - Start of iTime rotations.  
      • 7th grade: 
        • Click HERE to see your groups for each week.  
      • 8th grade:  
        • Click HERE to see your groups for each week.
    • Friday, April 26 - Diamond House to Elkhorn Gateway Campus.  
      • Steve is creating the schedule and will share it with the team on Monday.  
    Looking ahead:  
    • Tuesday, April 30 - 8th grade Partners2 Presentations
      • In order to accommodate the high school presenters for Partners2 we shifted our 6th hour elective into iTime on Tuesday and the presentation will be during 6th hour in the auditorium.  
      • This does mean that 8th grade will have one less day for the first iTime rotation.  
      • We will  still have students report to their 6th hour elective after lunch.  So, elective teachers please bring them up to the auditorium and then you can leave to prep! 
    • Friday, May 3 - Onyx House to Kenosha Gateway Campus.  
      • Steve will create the schedule and will share it with the team. 
      Pictures from the week


      Students using KCBs to go to Dairy Queen over lunch!

      What a cool project our Student Council and leadership team students did for the entire student body to encourage all students to continue working hard during Forward Testing week!!!  So awesome!  

      domingo, 14 de abril de 2019

      April 15, 2019

      • Thank you to our ELA teachers and co-teachers:  Ellen Murphy, Kailee Smith, Kelly Fulton, Jenny Geyso, Alyssa Riggs, and Kurt Rummler for your efforts and work with our students this past week for the Forward Writing Prompt portion of the Forward Exams.  The students were focused and did well from the feedback you all shared!  Thank you to the rest of the staff for being cognizant of the testing block and keeping the noise volume down to accommodate the testing environment.  
      • Thank you to Eric Sulik, Wendy Zeman, Sue Bekken, and Ryan Heft for your efforts putting to together the Forward Advisory information these past few weeks for advisory.  
      Article for the week:  

      Why Assess?

      The question of “Why Assess?” is one that is posed in schools and districts everywhere. It’s important to challenge educators to think about their assessment practice and how they derive information about student progress. If the purpose of assessment is merely to rank and sort, then little needs to change from the assessment practices of previous generations. If, instead, the purpose is to focus on student learning, then educators need to examine whether their current practice is aligned with that outcome. In “Teacher As Assessment Leader” (2009) I suggested that the teacher’s role is to “make frequent environmental scans to collect formal evidence such as assessments, exams, or homework, and informal evidence such as the questions students may ask, their comments during group work, or even their confused expressions” in order for a productive exchange of information between teacher and student as part of an ongoing, seamless assessment and instruction plan. Analysis of this evidence allows educators to plan next steps and adjust instruction going forward.
      Assessment data are only effective when they’re instructionally actionable. It’s no longer acceptable to limit assessment analysis to determining what’s wrong with students. Teachers must use the evidence of student learning to collaborate with colleagues to identify either teaching strengths to share, or areas of concern for which to seek new instructional strategies. The purposes of assessment ought to be framed around diagnosing student learning difficulties and setting individual teacher, and team goals for student improvement.
      Professor John Hattie (2012) in “Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning” offers the flip side to the question when he states, “There are certainly many things that inspired teachers do not do; they do not use grading as punishment; they do not conflate behavioral and academic performance; they do not elevate quiet compliance over academic work; they do not excessively use worksheets; they do not have low expectations and keep defending low quality learning as ‘doing your best’; they do not evaluate their impact by compliance, covering the curriculum, or conceiving explanations as to why they have little or no impact on their students; and they do not prefer perfection in homework over risk-taking that involves mistakes.” While this encompasses more than the assessment conversation, it equally serves as a compelling support for the broader discussion schools and districts ought to engage in.
      In Starting A Movement, Ken Williams and I (2015) suggest,
      “If you’ve been teaching for more than two years, then you have experienced the very humbling phenomenon of roller coaster results from one year to the next. In a culture of collective responsibility, instead of placing the burden of expected achievement on uncontrollable factors, teachers focus on the collective expertise of the people inside the school. They no longer analyze common assessment data out of compliance. They see the process of engaging in this type of dialogue as part of the promise their school has made to students, parents, and staff.
      The answer to the question of “Why Assess?” is rooted in these actions that committed educators take as they continue to work towards improving the life chances of every student. Regardless of the initiative you and your colleagues are engaged in, the quality of your assessment practice will be the lynchpin to success.
      As you read this and think about your next lesson, also think about a next first step in assessment. Wherever you currently are in your assessment practice is where you are. That next first step could involve student analysis of their assessment (reviewing it for errors and then structuring a learning plan before getting re-assessed), it could involve you changing the instructional design and re-teaching a content piece students were not as successful with (an intervention plan that presents content with a new instructional strategy or more time), or it could involve a new format of assessment (do all learning outcomes need to be assessed with paper and pen?).
      Gathering high quality evidence, using that evidence to guide next steps, and then gathering more evidence of the efficacy of the strategy, will provide educators and their students the opportunity to focus on the reaching those broader goals. At the end of the day assessment is too valuable to waste by leaving it as an end product and too significant as a daily routine to ignore the evidence that could strengthen the teaching-learning connection.

      • April 15 - April 18 - Forward Exam Week 2 
        • Click HERE for the schedule.  This will be for all 4 days during the week.  There will be no extended advisory or iTime due to the adjusted bell schedule.  
          • There are 5 pages to this schedule so keep scrolling :)  
        • A few testing reminders:  
          • All students should not submit until you checked their assessment to ensure they answered all the questions - then they can submit!  
          • Students are not allowed to do anything but take the assessment for the duration of the minutes noted for the assessment on the testing schedule.  For example... if the math session says (80 min) then inform the students they should use all 80 minutes (or more) for the math assessment as finishing early they are only allowed to just sit there.  They cannot read or do anything else during that time.  The reason for this is we want students to take their time and focus on the assessments, not focusing on hurrying up so they can do something else.  Please just kindly tell them that we are giving them the time so we encourage them to use the time as they can't do anything else anyway so they should just use the time! 
          • Please ensure you are focused on the assessments during the testing blocks and focusing on ensuring students are focused.  
          • Everyone should stick to the scheduled breaks, etc as we want to have the halls quiet during testing periods so make sure you release and have students return at the set times in the schedule.  
          • During the makeup time periods students can complete their Forward assessments, read independently, or complete work independently.  
        • Applied Academic teachers should be assisting in a testing group until 10:25 as below... academic teachers will have shared where to assist.  
          • Pelnar within an Onyx classroom 
          • R. Stoughton and Eckmann within Diamond classrooms.  
          • Block within a Hive classroom.  
          • Nelson within a Hive classroom.  
          • Salbrieter within Hive Mon, Wed, & Thursday.  
            • Thate on Tuesday.  
        • Special education teachers and interventionists will be working with students in a small group setting.  Ryan and Sulik will have an 8th grade small group in the library.  

        • April 15 - Monday - BLT Meeting from 2:40 - 3:30 
          • We will discuss chapters 4 from both books and also an update on the change over to a skills based gradebook for the 2019-2020 school year. 
        • April 17 - PLC in the library.  
          • Focus will be from the Shelley Moore Conference a couple staff members attended and hearing some takeaways from the conference.  
        • April 17 & 18 - iReady Incentive signup... 
          • Ryan will be sharing the PDF with you indicating which students can attend the iReady incentive by Wednesday morning.  Once he shares it with you please have students in your testing group (when appropriate) indicate where they plan on attending:  dodgeball or 21st Century for games and hot chocolate.  
          • Click HERE to note where your incentive students plan on going once you have the PDFs.      
            • If I missed your name I apologize... please just add your name to the house list and then your students.  If you work 1:1 with a student just add them to a group!  
        • April 17 & 18 - iTime signups!  
          • The plan is to create a Google Form for students to select their 3 iTime rotations they want to attend for the remainder of our iTime groups.  In order to make it fair and work for all students I will create forms by the following groups.  Then merge the forms together at the end.  That way you can decide when you are going to have students sign up (either on Wednesday or Thursday of this week).  
          • Here is how I will set up the forms:  
            • 7th grade 6th hour classes
            • 8th grade 7th hour classes 
            • So on Wednesday or Thursday plan to use a little time for students to select their choices for iTime during 6th hour for 7th grade and 7th hour for 8th grade.  I will share the forms with you on Tuesday at some point.  

          Looking ahead:  
        • April 22-23 for 7th grade:  
          • 22nd - prep for assembly in advisories 
          • 23rd - students who get the incentive will attend the incentive.  Those not will report to their 1st hour academic teacher and SSR or do iReady.  

        • April 22-23 for 8th grade:  
          • 22nd - students who get the incentive will attend the incentive.  Those not will report to their 2nd hour academic teacher and SSR or do iReady. 
          • 23rd - prep for assembly in advisories 
        • April 24 - Youth Alive Assembly (Afternoon assembly schedule)  
          • 12:52 - 1:42 all students will be in the gym for the assembly.  
          • 1:45 - 2:30 
            • The following students will remain in the gym though for a follow up activity with the presenter so they will not be back in advisories:  
              • Student Council
              • Leadership Team
              • YAR 
              • Campus Life 
            • Students back to advisories.  If you have less than 10 kids left in your advisory due to students staying in the gym then you can combine with your advisory partner for the 1:45 - 2:30 time frame.  
          Pictures from the week

          8th grade working through a mock trial about the sinking of the Lusitania!  

          Here are the images from the Dot Activity.  Thought it would be nice to have so you can individually have more time to observe and think on your own about what you can do between now and the end of the school year to assist some of our students.  

          Current 7th graders... 

          Students in Ms. Botsford's class creating Roman Aqueducts!