- THANK YOU to all of our TEACHERS!!!!!!!! We appreciate you more than you know and hope this past week of daily food options brought you a little bit of relief to your week as you did not have to worry about breakfast, or a snack, or lunch at times throughout the week!
- Remember... at some point (hopefully tomorrow) I will come around to each of the teachers (those I didn't get to) so you can pick a 10 dollar gift card that was donated to us for all of you from parents of some of the students!!! So... Teacher Appreciate Week really is not over yet!!!
- Though this is for 5th and 6th grade I thought Dawn Pachniak and our 5th and 6th grade band students deserved a shout out on an awesome virtual band concert! When you realize that our 5th graders have never played before it is pretty impressive to see!!! Below are two links to both concerts from the Dyer building and Karcher building! Enjoy!!!
Article this week!
- Monday, May 10 - 7-8 BLT Meeting in the library from 2:40-3:30, yes... in-person!
- Focus will be on the end of the year activities!
- And... I hope to be able to share the teacher schedules with you as well! The goal was do to that last week but, well, other things came up!
- Monday, May 10 - K-5 District Essential Skill Committee Meeting in the Karcher library from 3:45-5:15.
- Just wanting to share the focus with all of you so you are "in the know" of what is taking place K-5!
- Building level teams will review the specials schedule, lunch schedules, and thoughts on the times interventionists would be in each building.
- The team will also work to determine when their 30 minute Skills Group time will be because, come fall, every K-5 building will have a Skills Group time where the focus is on intentional teaching using our iReady data to form instructional groups to accelerate learning for all students.
- Lastly... we hope to also discuss:
- What adjustments should be made to the report card so it matches what we are doing with Essential Skills (meaning... what is ready to be adjusted?)
- Use of the BASD Learning Habits Rubric
- Spring iReady Diagnostic
- Everyone should of started testing your students in math and/or reading for the Spring Diagnostic.
- Grading Window - The grading window will open Monday, May 10 and close on May 21 at 3:00!
- Monday, May 17 - Staff Meeting in the BHS Library from 2:40-3:00
- Thursday, May 20 - 8th Grade Recognition!!!
- Students and staff should show up at 6:15.
- Students should gather in the auditorium from 6:15-7:00.
- Each student is allowed to have a maximum of FOUR people in attendance.
- The recognition program will be in the BHS gym!
- Doors for parent seating will open at 6:15.
- The ceremony typically runs about 1 hour and 15 minutes.
- Friday, May 21 - Last day of school!!! Dismissal will be at 12:00 for students! The afternoon then is a workday for you... grades will be due by 3:00!!!
- Monday, May 24 - All teacher's checkout K-12!
Picture from this past week!
Roman Reader's Theatre with Brad Ferstenou in 7th grade Social Studies!
Did you know you could make THIS from just toilet paper, water, and paint?!? I didn't either! Art with Jennifer Pelnar!
Math intervention with Sue Whittaker! She sure doesn't have some awesome math games focusing on specific skills for students!
Old Karcher Open House was a success on the two days we opened up the building to the public. If I had to guess I bet 500-600 people came through!