Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KarcherMiddleSchool/
BASD Staff Blog: https://basdstaffnews.blogspot.com/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KarcherMiddleSchool/
BASD Staff Blog: https://basdstaffnews.blogspot.com/
- Thank you ALL for a great end of the school year!!!!!!!!! So many great things happen at Karcher for students during the final week of school! Thanks again for everything you did to make it a memorable experience for students! Enjoy your summer!!!
- Below are our results from iReady this school year! It is awesome to see the growth and achievement made by our students due to all of your hard work!!!
Overall Reading data from fall 2018 to spring 2019
7th grade - 11% increase in # of students who are proficient
7th grade - 10% decrease in the # of students 2 or more grade levels behind
8th grade - 16% increase in the # of students who are proficient
8th grade - 6% decrease in the # of students 2 or more grade levels behind
Overall Math data from fall 2018 to spring 2019
7th grade - 12% increase in # of students who are proficient
7th grade - 9% decrease in the # of students 2 or more grade levels behind
8th grade - 10% increase in the # of students who are proficient
8th grade - 3% decrease in the # of students 2 or more grade levels behind
7th grade reading domain data from fall to spring

8th grade reading domain data from fall to spring

7th grade math domain data from fall to spring
8th grade math domain data from fall to spring
- Kathy Combs, Director of Food Services, will be retiring at the end of the month on June 28, 2019. Her replacement will be Debra (Deb) Matson, who will be starting on June 24, 2019.
- We are conducting interviews this week for our open secretary position. This position will be a shared position with Waller Elementary school.
- K-8 summer school will be taking place in Karcher this summer from July 8 through August 8. They will be using part of the band/choir hallway and some of the 7th grade hallway.
- Items relating to the 2019-2020 school year!
- Some of the below information might adjust slightly but this should be a fairly set plan for August. Any adjustments will be added and shared with you prior!
- August dates/information:
- Jill/Kim return on August 12 and the office will be open from 7:00 - 3:30.
- New teacher dates: August 20, 21, and 22 in our Karcher library.
- Wednesday, August 21 - BLT Meeting in the 21st Century Lab starting at 8:00 until 2:30. Lunch will be provided!
- Monday, August 26 - First day back for all teaching staff!
- This is an 8:00-4:00 workday - the entire day is teacher work time (on your own).
- All special education assistants that need to be recertified for MANDT will have a training from 8:00-11:30 in the Karcher library.
- Tuesday, August 27 - Inservice from 8:00 - 4:00 (all staff should be in attendance)
- The goal is to have vitality (program like Go360 but for WEA) present to share information about the program starting at 7:15am in the BHS auditorium for any and all staff interested. This is a voluntary only meeting for those interested.
- 8:00-9:00 - Open Convocation in the BHS Auditorium
- 9:30-11:30 - Building level meeting in our Karcher library.
- 11:30-12:30 - Lunch on your own.
- Teachers:
- 12:30-4:00 - Teacher work time (TWT).
- Special education aides:
- 12:30 - Meet in the Karcher library for a meeting with our special education teachers. Once this is complete you will have time to review IEP information until 2:30.
- 2:45-4:00 - Health Training in the BHS Auditorium
- 4:00-5:00 - New aides only... payroll information in the BHS auditorium
- Wednesday, August 28: Inservice 8:00-4:00 (teachers only)
- 8:00-12:00 - Building level time on district goals.
- 1:00-4:00 - Building level time on district goals.
- Wednesday, August 28 - Karcher Open House from 7:00-8:00pm.
- Elementary Open House from 5:00-6:00
- Dyer Open House from 6:00-7:00
- Thursday, August 29 - Inservice 8:00-4:00 (teachers only)
- 8:00-12:00 - Building level time on district goals.
- All non-special education teachers and interventionists.
- 8:00-10:00 - Special Education teachers and interventionists in the Karcher library focusing on further understanding of AIMSWeb.
- Interventionists will then have building level time on district goals from 10:00-12:00.
- 10:00-12:00 - All BASD special education teachers in the Karcher library with Kathy Merlo.
- 1:00-4:00 Teacher work time (TWT).
- Friday, August 30 - No School
- Tuesday, September 3 - First day of school!
- Here is our 2019-2020 Karcher Calendar.
- PLCs have not been set yet as we will discuss this further with our Building Leadership Team.
- On the first page of our Karcher Calendar you will see links to our bell schedules, teacher schedules, literacy website, advisory website, etc.
- Other things to note when looking at the 2019-2020 schedule:
- Please note the hours we have academic and applied academic sections as they have changed from this past school year. The reason for the adjustment was due to the need for additional elective staff to assist with the incoming 7th grade class. Therefore, two applied academic (elective) periods for 7th grade have been moved to 1st and 2nd hour so that we can have consistent additional elective sections for our 7th grade class. To assist with the sections Ryan Hoffman and Trent Tonn will be coming over from Dyer to teach the additional elective sections.
- Ryan Hoffman will be teaching out of room 3, STEM, during first semester.
- Trent Tonn will be teaching out of room 11, science classroom, during second semester.
- Zane Bale will be moving to room 108 on the second floor.
- Joe VanDommelen, new special education teacher, will be in room 25 (across from Kailee Smith).
- Scott Staude will be in room 20 as a new member of the Onyx House and will be teaching math.
- Briana Varnes will be moving into 7th grade and will be in room 19, she will be co-teaching with Staude.
- New building information:
- Scherrer Construction will be using two of our current classrooms, rooms 38 and 39 (old FACE room and orchestra room), as their staging/meeting areas for the new construction. We will be changing the cores to the actual doors so no one from the construction side will have access to the rest of Karcher. They will be creating new exterior doors from the classrooms to the football field to provide them with meeting space throughout the construction. The reason for this is to avoid the need for them to use half of the field across Wainwright street for their staging/trailor area (where we hold recess, field day, etc).
- Therefore, Orchestra will be moved and taught in room 36 (the band room).
Summer cleaning schedule for the buildings:
Pictures from the last week of school!
22 years serving BASD, 19 of those years at Karcher!