- Kudos to Stephanie Rummler and Patti Tenhagen for your work with our students to infuse some holiday spirit into each school day!
- Spirit Days are...
- Monday/Tuesday - Ugly Sweater & Crazy Socks with Crocs or Birdenstocks!
- Thursday/Friday - Christmas Jammies!
- THANK YOU to Mike Jones for all of his Holiday games, prizes, activities, etc that started right after Thanksgiving break! It takes a lot of time and effort to put this all together for staff - please make sure you say THANK YOU to Mike for all of his time and effort to bring some cultural fun to staff!
- Thank you again to Mike Jones along with Stacey Stoughton for your time and efforts playing around with the potential thoughts for the technology in the new 6-8 building for academic classrooms. We think we have found a GREAT flexible option and they will be passing the technology along, to 7th grade math next, after the Holiday Break! The technology that will be coming around for staff to try out is the 86 inch TV, iPad, and Apple Pen. When these items come your way please try them out for two days and then pass them along to the next academic teacher! These will most likely be the items purchased for our academic staff (Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, Spanish, and Self-Contained Special Education), initially, as we work to stay within our budget.
- Thank you to Kailee Smith, Patti Tenhagen, Scott Staude for taking the initiative to utilize some of the furniture options with students in order to gain their feedback as we work to develop our final furniture selections.
- The BHS/KMS Competition is ON!!!!!!!
- We hope you all have fun participating in the friendly competition from Headquarters!
- SLO/PPG - Those of you who have not submitted your SLO/PPG yet, your initial one, please do so ASAP as they should be in by now!
- Elective Staff:
- Please make sure your course selections for the 2021-2022 school year are in THIS slide show no later than Wednesday, December 16.
- Please do not email me your course selection information with a different email - we are wanting everything in one location to assist with planning and ensuring we have all the information together. If you don't like the template provided not a big deal! Look at slides 40 and 41 if you need an example as Wellness has their courses in the slides the way we would like to see them.
- Once they are in the slides I will come and touch base with you as touching base is much easier when the information is in the document to discuss.
- Monday, December 14 - BLT meeting via Zoom from 2:40-3:30
- Focus: 6-8 updates, what does iTime look like after Christmas Break (using Winter iReady data). Please add anything your team has wanted you to discuss at BLT to the agenda!
- Wednesday, December 16 - Special Education Meeting starting at 1:30 via Zoom.
- Wednesday, December 16 - BHS/KMS Meeting starting at 2:30 in either the commons area or the gym (will get you the location prior). This is in relation to the team activity we have set up this week!
- Friday, December 18 - End of term 2! That's right... half way there!
- The grading window will open Monday, December 14th and remain open until Wednesday, January 6. Grades will then post on Friday, January 8th and should be sent home (grades 3-4) with students on the 8th.
- Also the iReady diagnostic window will close on the 18th!
- Saturday, December 19 through January 3 - Winter Break!
- Monday, January 4 all of our staff and students will return for the start of term 3! Students who are switching from JEDI to in-person learning will be joining us starting on Monday, January 4th!
- Your Mid-Year SLO/PPG will be due by Monday, February 15
Pictures from this past week!
Student council working to bring some Christmas spirit to staff and students!
Kurt Rummler and Alyssa Riggs having students make connections to the text by playing quick games within class that are mentioned within the text!
Part of News Crew working on this week's segment!
Students in 8th grade Science with Dina Weis developing snowman babies with the focus of genetics and the impact genes have!
As a reminder, as we near the selection of academic classroom furniture, the below image is the built-in storage in every academic space!
Parts of the 6-8 building will have stained concrete - below are samples of what it will look like. The top left and top right will be the colors used in the building. The others were additional choices that were not picked. There will also be the natural concrete look infused as well (natural is the space between the colors). This process is planned to begin this week!
Garage doors have been installed in the STEM rooms!
New curtains at BHS in the gym if you can't see those yet!