- Gradebook Updates!!!
- The gradebook should be looking accurate now! No longer reflecting a standards based gradebook. BLT members... please check in with your teams to make sure everyone'd gradebooks are good to go and let me know if there is anyone we still need to adjust/look at for the change.
- Attendance in Skyward...
- Nicole is working with Skyward to get the student flags to show up for A and B days. We are trying to get that to work ASAP! But for now, use the scanned copies that Stacey Steeples sent you for A/B days.
- Kris Thomsen assisted with marking all of our JEDI students as C-C so that you know who may be listed as an "A" Day but to not mark them absent just yet. The C-C means that at this time they are planning on going the JEDI route. JEDI starts on September 1st and students have until September 11th to decide what route they are going to be taking. After September 11th we can remove all JEDI students from your classes.
- Safety/Health items:
- Every classroom will have an additional TWO containers of hand sanitizer (32oz) in your classrooms next week!
- Every classroom has a plexiglass barrier, if you are not going to use yours please let us know so we can get the barrier to another staff member.
- If you need more paper towels we can get some at any time in any of the custodial closets.
- If you run out (or are getting close to running out) of hand sanitizer or spray for student/staff work areas put your almost empty bottles on your teacher desk at the end of the day and the custodians will fill them prior to the next school day.
- If you want any gloves you can ask Linda Londre (health aide) for them.
- Face shields have arrived. They are in the health room if you would like one. Every staff member is able to have one.
- Student masks are in the health office in packs of four.
- Picture time
- The photographers will be bringing three people to take pictures versus just 2 people. Listen to the announcements as Lois Cramer might call you down early to ensure we get all students done prior to lunch.
- Advisory Plans...
- Just a reminder the advisory plans were tweaked... make sure you are looking them over again prior to Monday with students.
- Hallways...
- Please assist with being in the hallways to assist students with getting to their elective locations. Perhaps one teacher from each house can pick an elective to assist with... example... Barb goes with students trying to get to music classes.
- A & B Days...
- When you are with your classes be mindful to think about any sections that we might want to flip students around to keep all sections about the same size.
- Reminder... meeting Wednesday at 10:30 in the library to go over this and other things to potentially tweak.
- Breakfast/Lunch Area:
- We have reserved the 3rd stall for the whole week. Meaning, the tables will be staying in the 3rd stall at all times until we figure out the best strategy for the movement of the tables, etc. Kurt Rummler had a fantastic idea of using our Safety Patrol students to assist with this versus crossing guard (as we don't need any). Therefore, we want to take this first week to see how things go to determine our best approach for moving the tables.