2019-2020 Karcher Calendar
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KarcherMiddleSchool/
BASD Staff Blog: https://basdstaffnews.blogspot.com/
2019-2020 Karcher Calendar
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KarcherMiddleSchool/
BASD Staff Blog: https://basdstaffnews.blogspot.com/
- Kudos to Brad Ferstenou who will be taking a field student, Rylee Chart, starting Monday, October 7 through December 12 from 9:15-12:50. Rylee comes to our building from UW-Whitewater. If you see her please welcome her to our team! And... thank you Brad for your service to our profession :)
- Thank you to everyone who participated in our first luncheon for the school year! What an amazing spread it was - nice work!
- Kudos to our custodial staff for all of your work to keep the building looking so clean! We appreciate all of your behind the scenes work and appreciate you everyday!!!
- Thank you to Kailee Smith for going the extra mile and consistently going outside after school to assist with watching our students as they exit the building. Thank you for that!
- Great job to Barb Berezowitz, Andrea Hancock and the rest of our 7th grade teams for your time and efforts for our students to have a successful time at the BASD school forest!
- Lastly, below is quantitative and qualitative data for the month of September's PLC time. It is AWESOME to see such an alignment of PLC time to our district Big Three!
PLC Data
The following two graphs are from the PLC form noting what groups where focusing on over the past three PLCs... either on Essential Skills or Strategies/Skills. It was great to touch base with teams throughout PLC time and to see your commitment and collaboration behind the work!
Below is qualitative data from all of you about how your time in PLC has benefited your understanding & learning to inform your instruction. There is some great reflective statements noted from the team! It is great to see statements that truly relate to how PLC time has assisted YOU to further understand your students in order to inform your instruction.
- The following two links provide all of us with individual student data for the fall iReady diagnostic for reading. We will share the math with you once we have all students finished with math!
- If you want to move things around, delete a house, etc just go to "file" and then "make a copy" and rename it... once you do you can rearrange the data however you see fit to analyze!
- 7th grade fall READING iReady data
- 8th grade fall READING iReady data
- Monday, October 7 - Home cross country meet held at BHS starting at 4:00.
- Tuesday, October 8 - 8th grade Hive House field trip to the state capital.
- Wednesday, October 9 - PLC Learning time in the library!
- We will focus on practicing inputting some tasks/activities into our behind the scenes standards grade book.
- We will also have Wendy Zeman and Molly Ebbers share resources for math and reading that was developed last year by our district MTSS committee.
- Thursday, October 10 - 8th grade Silver House field trip to the state capital.
Looking ahead:
- Monday-Friday - Huddle+ Week!
- Huddle time is time for our students to stay in extended advisory (plus a few from your elective friends) to go over iReady data, Skyward grades (kudos, missing work, etc), and to provide students time to take care of necessary work for staff.
- Monday, October 14 - Staff Meeting from 2:40 - 3:00
- Focus will be on our Cooper/Waller visit the following week.
- Monday, October 14 - District MTSS Committee Meeting from 3:45-5:15 in our Karcher library.
- Tuesday, October 15 - BLT Meeting from 2:40 - 3:30 in the large conference room. We needed to move this meeting to this date due to an architect meeting scheduled the week prior.
- Wednesday, October 16 - New Karcher Groundbreaking Ceremony!!!
- Starting at 5:30pm here by our press box!
- Thursday, October 17 - iReady training for Karcher and Dyer staff in the 21st Century lab. 7th will be in the morning, 8th in the afternoon. I already sent everyone information on how we will be working subs and the time changes. I will add more detail here for this actual week's blog!
Pictures from the week