domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2018

September 9, 2018


  • Kudos to all of our staff for your time and efforts last week with all of our students... from helping with locker issues to ensuring students are on the correct buses... thank you all!  
Video to share... 

Great reminder for all of us as we work to build positive relationships with students!

  • Lunch Passes: Please provide students with a pass if you give them permission to come to your classroom during lunch. Students will only be allowed to leave the cafeteria with permission. If necessary, you can give them a pass with multiple dates listed or a span of time that they can show a lunchroom supervisor each day. 
  • Chromebook Checkout: Students will be able to check-out Chromebooks starting 9/20. We sent out a parent/guardian letter via Skyward, asking them to contact us if they DO NOT give their child permission to check out a Chromebook and are mailing a copy home as well.  We will provide you with a list of students who are not allowed to checkout a Chromebook prior to 9/18. View the Chromebook Checkout procedure HERE.
    • Please do not allow students to bring their chromebooks home yet... until we give time for the permission slips to go into affect.  
  • 504 - Peanut Allergy
    • Staff... please note we have a severe student peanut allergy within our building.  You can only have any form of nuts in the staff lounge and must wash your hands right after eating nuts.  
    • Everyone needs to VIEW this powerpoint for more information.  Please email Lori Sanchez if you have any questions!  
  • Work orders... thank you to those who have put in maintenance requests over the past few weeks for items within the building.  Pleas know that things are being prioritized based on need (at the moment) due to an increase in requests.  All requests will be met in a timely manner and addressed as soon as possible.  
    • Please continue imputing maintenance requests through the website!  
This week:  
  • Monday, September 10 - Staff Meeting in our Karcher library from 2:40 - 3:00 
    • Everyone is encouraged to attend.
    • Part of the focus will be on The Karcher Way Day along with other building needs.  
  • Monday, September 10 - K-12 Essential Skills Committee Meeting in our Karcher library from 3:45 - 5:15 
  • Tuesday, September 11 - Picture Day.  
    • We will set up in the library this year versus the ULab due to the use of the ULab for ALLs, etc.  
    • All staff please make sure you too get your picture taken.  The staff pictures will be used in our Karcher yearbook and also on the BASD website.  
  • Wednesday, September 12 - PLC in the library - the focus will be on school data from 2:40 - 3:20.  
  • Wednesday, September 12 - High School Open House from 5:30 - 7:15 
  • Thursday, September 13 - Your Middle School Picture??? 
    • Do you have a middle school picture??? The advisory team would love to have it for an activity with students!  Please get your picture to Kim in the main office or Sulik on or before Thursday!!!  
  • Friday, September 14 - Sub plans to Jane!  
    • All staff... please get your class rosters and your schedule (including details) to Jane by the end of the day.
  • Friday, September 14 - The Karcher Way Day!
    • Lunch will be provided for staff in the library throughout the student lunches.  
      • Choice of brats, mild italians, apple chicken sausage, spinach chicken sausage with multiple sides, chips, and dessert.  
Looking ahead:  
  • Monday, September 17 - Start iReady Testing in ELA.  
    • The goal would be to start ELA testing this week on iReady.  I will keep you updated if we need to push it back or not!
  • Monday, September 17 - BLT Meeting 
    • Just a reminder to read the first chapter within both books:  
      • Better Learning through Structured Teaching 
      • On Your Mark 
  • Friday, September 21 - First FNL (Friday Night Live) from 6:00 - 8:00pm
    • If you are able to assist please like Mike Jones or Donna Sturdevant know!  The more the merrier! 
Other Information:  

Below is the welcome back letter to parents/guardians from Peter Smet.  I thought I would include it as it includes some great information as well.

As our schools welcome back students, I wanted to take a few minutes to welcome back our Burlington Area School District families. My three kids have all graduated from BHS, but I remember the first day of school -- taking pictures, preparing school supplies, and attending open houses. It is an amazing time in a student’s and parent’s life.
Please know that BASD is committed to preparing its students for future life and career success. Professionals in our district work together around three goals: universal access, best instructional practices, and essential skills. This means that we believe every student should have access to stimulating curriculum, we will use the best instructional practices available to teach your children, and we will align our curriculum around clear learning goals.

We are excited to have students back in all classrooms, but much was accomplished over the summer. In addition to the deep cleaning of school buildings, we repaired asphalt, replaced light bulbs with LED lighting, resurfaced gym floors, and worked on other big projects to maintain our schools. In July, the state announced that BASD received $163,880 in school safety grant funds to better secure entrances, provide training to staff, and purchase more security cameras. The district has applied for more school safety grant funds from the state to further enhance these projects. Safety of your students is one of our highest priorities.

Also over the summer, the school board voted to include a $43,655,000 referendum question on the
November 6 ballot. The funds would be used for strengthening safety and security (such as relocating
main offices and improving traffic flow at some schools), significant facility maintenance at all schools,
and a new middle school to serve grades 6-8. The proposed referendum would convert Dyer into a fifth elementary school and all elementary schools would serve grades K-5. Read more about the referendum on our website ( or in mailings that will be sent this fall.

You may have noticed some changes in the district calendar. No scheduled early release days is in
response to requests from families and staff. We see ourselves as partners in your student’s education. Thank you for all you do to support your student’s education – from buying school supplies and getting him or her to school on time to helping with homework and making sure he or she has a good night of rest. Encourage your student to use the resources our district provides and ask questions to get the most out of their experience.

Whether your student is in kindergarten or a senior, whether you’re new to the district or have had
several children attend our schools - a new academic year offers a fresh start. We look forward to the
opportunity to educate your children and share in the experience of watching them grow and learn. As
questions come up throughout the year, please ask your child’s teacher, the school principal, or me.

Burlington Proud,

Peter Smet
Burlington Area School District

Health Services Reminders!  

Welcome back to School!

Below you will find several district-wide health notices that you need to be aware of &/or act upon.

Every employee is required to complete Bloodborne Pathogen Training on an annual basis.  This year, we will be using the
 DPI - BBP training module.  This training will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.  Upon completion of the required quiz, please email the results to the health-aide in your building to show proof of compliance. If you are in a building that does not have a health aide, please email your completion confirmation to me: . The district's BBP Plan can be requested through your building engineer if you would like to see that.  The following link will take you to this training:  Bloodborne Pathogen Training - MANDATORY  

Flu Clinic:  Flu clinics will be held on September 27th at 2 locations for your convenience.  Dyer Cafeteria from 2pm - 5pm or BHS Large Conference Room from 1pm - 6pm.  Click here or on the calendar link in the attached informational flyer to schedule your flu shot time now. Free for Humana covered employees and their spouse/dependents 15 years of age and older.  $32.00/person if not covered by Humana insurance, due at the time of the vaccination.  Earn 200 points for Go365!

Proof of Immunity Reminder:  If you have not submitted proof of immunity to MMR, Tdap and Hepatitis B, per policy 523.2 requirement, please 
send those records to me at District Office by September 14th.  If you have any questions, please give me a call or shoot me an email.

If you have any questions or concerns, as always, please feel free to contact me. Thanks!  

Go360 information below... how to sign up, etc!   

Welcome to Go365!   Each of you has access to this exciting wellness program that includes: Points, Bucks, and Status Levels.  Not only will you have the opportunity to engage in different wellness activities in the Go365 Portal throughout the year, but you’ll also earn Bucks along the way that you can spend in the Go365 Mall!  
  • If you haven’t already done so, you can login to your customized Go365 Portal by visiting (for those with medical coverage thru Humana) or and registering.  Click here and follow these easy instructions.
  • Click here to view our Earning Points Guide to view all the earning opportunities within Go365!
To further our engagement in this program, please watch for weekly emails from the “Go365 Tuesday Tip” campaign.  In these weekly Tuesday emails we’ll share details and tips on how you can make your way up to Silver, Gold, and Platinum Status in the Go365 program!    

Stay tuned to find out more in our upcoming Go365 Tuesday Tip communications. 

Pictures from last week!
Students getting to know each other with the advisory plans... 

Ms. Varnes's advisory

Ms. Jorgenson's advisory

Ms. Smith's advisory

Ellen Murphy having students practice coming to the front for a mini lesson.

Students in Grace Jorgenson's math class working through a team building activity.

Students with Mr. Eckmann learning about classroom expectations with The Karcher Way Behavior Rubric.  

Team building in STEM class with Mr. Sulik!

Students learning how to use the tools in art class with Ms. Pelnar.

Students enjoying recess!

Students in Ms. Stoughton's math class working through escape rooms!

Students in Mr. Rummler's ELA class gaining strategies shared by Mr. Rummler through the use of a mentor text prior to developing their own essay. 

Students determining importance within text in Mr. Schmidt's Social Studies class.  Yes... Jack is standing on the tables!