- Thank you to Jack Schmidt, Eric Sulik, and Wendy Zeman for putting together all of our character education activities for the next two weeks! The newly updated advisory page is now linked to the Karcher Calendar so make sure you check it out for advisory details! (Link is above).
- Thank you to Lori Sanchez and Amanda Wilks for your assistance and information on our student coming to us with a peanut allergy. You were very informative and helpful! Staff... remember any tree nuts you bring to school should be eaten in the staff lounge followed by proper hand washing. Encourage students coming to class after lunch to also utilize proper hand washing.
- Kudos to all of our new employees as you made it through the first week of inservice here in BASD! Everyone is here to help so do not be afraid to ask questions moving forward!
- Beginning of the school year reminders...
- Students may enter the building and wait in our library starting at 6:50am. Students will then be allowed in the hallways starting at 7:05am.
- First hour starts at 7:20 and students should all be in their advisories at that time.
- Students will not have their lockers when they first come to school on Tuesday, tomorrow, as they will be getting their lockers and locks during advisory, therefore, they will be bringing all of their materials to advisory.
- Students will be getting their Chromebooks on day 2 after the technology assembly.
- Please be visible and in the hallways starting at 7:05 to greet our students and monitor the hallways.
- We will only have a 7:05, 7:20, and 2:30 bell throughout the day so please make sure you are noting the time as everyone needs to keep or release students at the same times!
- There will be no Monday STAR Schedule until the week of September 18.
- September 5 - Modified Schedule. Please click on the Karcher Calendar in order to see the modified schedules for both Tuesday and Wednesday this week. The lesson plans and information to go along with our modified schedules is noted on the Karcher Calendar, page one, as well. Click HERE for Tuesday/Wednesday plans and click HERE to go directly to the advisory page.
- September 6 - Modified Schedule... not the same as the 5th so please look at both schedules.
- September 6 - iTime PLC
- All advisory teams will meet in the library to determine the duration of groups and topics for the first iTime rotation. We will start as a whole group explaining the changes to iTime and then teams will have time to work out the details.
- The academic teachers within each team will need to use team time to create and develop the 4 groupings of students. These students will stay together for a minimum of a full term.
- Don't forget to be explicit and describe what you will be doing for PLC each week on the PLC planning document. The PLC planning document is on page ONE of the Karcher Calendar as well.
- September 7 and 8 - Regular bell schedules with extended advisory all week.
- September 11 - Staff Meeting 2:40 - 3:00 with the focus being Kick-off day and any extended advisory needs.
- Bell schedule for this day is the usual Tuesday-Friday schedule.
- September 12 - Picture day!
- Students will be called to the U-Lab throughout the day to have their pictures taken. Staff will need to also have their pictures taken at any time throughout the day that works best for you!
- September 13 - First Essential Skills PLC.
Extra-Curricular Activities starting up...
- Thank you Jon Nelson for setting up a website for our extracurriculars! Click HERE to access our new website!
- Cross Country will start with an informational meeting on September 8 and run through mid-October with practice after school from 2:45-4:00.
- Coach contact: Amanda Thate (athate@basd.k12.wi.us) and Alyssa Riggs (ariggs@basd.k12.wi.us)
- Click HERE for the Cross-Country Schedule.
- Girls Basketball will start on September 11 and run through the end of October with practices held at the following times:
- Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday: 2:45-4:15.
- Wednesdays: 3:20 - 4:45
- Coach contact:
- Kurt Rummler (7th grade) krummler@basd.k12.wi.us
- Brad Ferstenou (8th grade) bferstenou@basd.k12.wi.us
- Click HERE for the Girls Basketball Schedule.
- Flag Football will start practice on September 12.
- Meeting every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for six weeks from 2:30 - 4:00
- Coach contact: Hans Block (hblock@basd.k12.wi.us)
- Click HERE for the schedule.
Video of the week: Hope...
One of Karcher's five values was... optimism. Optimism encompassed hope, humor, and fun. As we all walk into the building tomorrow (staff and students) we walk in as a team... we walk in as a community. This will be a great year! We have great staff, we have great students, and we have a great school!