Karcher 2016-2017 School Calendar
Student's of the week for
March 20 - March 24
- Anthony-James Galgano: (Silver)
- Silver Houses chooses AJ Galgano, he consistently shows kindness and compassion to everyone around him.
- Hailey Hotvedt: (Diamond)
- Hailey exemplifies every aspect of the Karcher Way. She is kind to everyone. She is always willing to help out. She gets to advisory everyday and takes down the chairs for everyone. She is a hard worker and always puts her best effort forward.
- Alexandrea Rich: (Hive)
- Alexandrea has been an exceptional leader on the music video project, being respectful and compassionate in leading others while displaying loyalty to her advisory.
- Sean Neil: (Applied Academic)
- Sean took a leadership role in creating our advisory music video this week. He is always positive and friendly to all.
- Elias Tremmel: (Onyx)
- Elias is a fantastic young man that consistently has a positive attitude, puts forth his best effort, and is kind, caring and decent to all around him. Thanks so much Eli, and keep up the great work!
- Brody Richards: (Karcher Character Bucks)
- Brody's bright personality lightens everyone's day. He is always respectful towards people as well as compassionate.
- Kaylyn Waki was chosen as the KCB STAFF OF THE WEEK! Congrats Kaylyn and thank you all for continuing to reinforce our 8 character traits.
- Kudos to Kaylyn Waki and her advisory students for taking home the gold in the character videos for 7th grade! Kudos to Andrea Hancock's advisory with a close second!
- Kudos to Dustan Eckmann and your advisory on their character video - the acting was unbelievable - Mr. Eckmann's advisory took 1st place for acting. And kudos to Mike Jones for taking the gold in 8th grade for your advisory video which truly demonstrated The Karcher Way - Karcher is our home :)
- AND... kudos to all staff and students for your work with the videos. I had heard from a few that it was trying at times but the end result and the purpose/goal behind the activity was great to see! Perhaps some tweaks moving forward can take place as we always work towards refinement of how things are done.
- Kudos to Kim Moss and Marian Hancock for sitting in on the Skyward scheduling training we had on March 24. I think I learned everything I ever want to know about scheduling... we are in a very good place with the "button" pushed and some minor clean up to do for the 2017-2018 student schedules. The goal was to have the button pushed by April :)
- I hope you all had the ability to relax and re-energize a bit over this past week!!!
- Tuesday, April 4 - iTime will be used for Forward Exam practice.
- Applied Academic teachers should be paired with academic teachers to ensure all staff understand and know how to navigate through the Forward Exam functions.
- Tuesday, April 4 - End of term 3!
- Grades need to be posted by 3:00pm on Thursday, April 6. See Kim with any questions.
- Tuesday, April 4 - Voting day for those who are Burlington residents.
- All 3 referendum questions will be on the ballet along with school board members - in relation to the school district.
- Wednesday, April 5 - Essential Skills PLC
- For this PLC the goal will be to create at least 1 subskill for one of your essential skills and determine what proficiency would look like, sound like, feel like for that subskill. Adding in Hess's Rigor matrix, Blooms, Webb will come after you determine what proficiency would be. If you complete one then the goal would be to define what proficiency would look like for an additional subskill... and so on...
- Thursday, April 6 - Grades due @ 3:00pm
- Week of April 10 - April 13
- Forward Exam Week!!!
- All staff, including applied academic staff, will be assisting with Forward testing. Our special education department will be finalizing our small group schedule this Tuesday, April 5, and get that information to staff so everyone is aware which students will be going where.
- The Forward Exam schedule is located on our Karcher Calendar on April 10-13.
- All staff administering the exam need to complete the below document and get your copy to Steve Berezowitz by the end of this week:
- Friday, April 14 - Monday, April 17 - No School.
Pictures from the week
National Junior Honor Society induction ceremony!

7th grade students viewing each advisories character education music videos! Congrats to Ms. Waki's advisory for taking first place and Ms. Hancock's advisory was a close second for 7th grade. In 8th grade Mr. Eckmann's advisory was first place for their acting and Mr. Jones's advisory was first place for demonstrating The Karcher Way!
7th grade students viewing each advisories character education music videos! Congrats to Ms. Waki's advisory for taking first place and Ms. Hancock's advisory was a close second for 7th grade. In 8th grade Mr. Eckmann's advisory was first place for their acting and Mr. Jones's advisory was first place for demonstrating The Karcher Way!
Information this week pertaining to the referendum for vote on Tuesday, April 4:
- The district will have 3 referendum questions on the April 4, 2017 ballot. Learn more online by clicking HERE.
- Video link: Middle School Challenges Video
- Video link: Athletic Facilities
- Video link: Performing Arts Space & Safety
- Video link: 4K-4 School Space Constraints
- Video link: Learning Environments
- Article Link:
- Article Link: Standard Press
- Fox6: Fox 6 Article about referendums
- CBS 58: Video regarding BASD referendum