There were no students of the week for November 21-22
- Kudos to those who participated in the Thriven Turkey Trot 5K this past Thursday. From what I can see Marilee Hoffman (with Scott, kids, & grandkids), Eric Sulik (and kids), and Steve Berezowitz (and kids). I apologize if you too ran/walked and I missed you. (Pictures below)
- Monday, November 28th - Special Education Aide Meeting @ 2:40 in the conference room.
- We will be discussing some changes to schedules along with other items.
- Tuesday, November 29th - our ELA staff will be in the 21st Century Lab with additional training for Lucy Calkins Units of Writing.
- Tuesday, November 29th - Start of the next iTime rotation!
- Tuesday, November 29th - Silver House field trip to Madison
- Wednesday, November 30th - Hive House field trip to Madison
- Wednesday, November 30th - Essential Skills PLC, please meet in the library so that we can assist.
- Here are a few good resources to assist further with your essential skills. These all align to the Forward Exam - may help you when working on what your essential skills are:
- Wisconsin Forward: Depth-of-Knowledge Levels for Four Content Areas (Reading, Writing, Science, Social Studies)
- What DPI is using for ELA - notice it is the Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrix :)))
- What DPI is using for Math on the Forward Exam - notice it is the Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrix :)))
- Forward Exam: Social Studies Reporting Categories with DOK
- Forward Exam: Science Reporting Categories with DOK
- Forward Exam: Math Reporting Categories with DOK
- Forward Exam: ELA Reporting Categories with DOK
- Monday, December 5th - Parent/Teacher Conferences from 4:00 - 6:00
- Please make sure you are contacting parents to schedule meetings.
- Use THIS Google Document to organize conferences.
- There will also be a social media presentation by Jodi Borchart for parents to attend. Please assist us with informing parents as they leave conferences with you.
- In the library at either 5:00 - 5:45 or 6:00 - 6:45.
- Below is the flyer that has been shared with parents.
Pictures from the week
8th grade...
Staff running in the Turkey Trot 5K.
Article of the week:
The importance of essential skills, and the success criteria it creates, is so important to develop in order for truly effective feedback for students to occur. This video, from the Hattie research, is a good example of how success criteria and feedback go hand and hand.