Student's of the week for
February 22 - February 26
- Students will be added on Tuesday. Three students were absent when we were going to catch the picture. We will try to get all 6 on Monday or Tuesday and then post.
- Congrats to Wynne Slusar for turning 40 this past week! Big milestone and what better way to celebrate than with donuts! Thank you Lori Iverson for bringing in all the carbs!
- Congrats also to Brad Ferstenou for hitting his milestone of 30! And thank you Kris Thomsen for setting up the pot luck and the 30 somethings for Brad. Great idea :)
- Thank you Ellen Murphy, Grace Jorgenson, Jacob Malewicki, Kurt Rummler, Jenny Geyso, and Alyssa Riggs for all of your hard work on February 23rd working through the start of what our ELA curriculum and literacy infusion will look like for the 2016-2017 school year.
- Thank you Molly Ebbers and Wendy Zeman for all of your work on February 25th working through what our Reading and Math interventions will look like for the 2016-2017 school year.
- And... a shout out to Connie Zinnen for coming over to Karcher for two full days (ELA day and intervention day) this past week to help all of us work through our questions, ideas, concerns, etc as we move into the 2016-2017 school year - Thank you!
- Monday morning with students - February 29th:
- Children's Books and Bullying Assembly with DRIVEN students from the high school. Here are the Google documents that go along with Monday - please make sure you look everything over so you are ready for Monday!
- Students staying back in the library Students will all stay in the library and work on compass, an alternative assignment, and/or homework.
- Bullying Assembly
- Teacher Schedule, Room Assignments, Walking Map
- Monday afternoon - in-service for teaching staff - February 29th (1:00 - 3:00)
- 1:00 - 1:10 - Karcher Companions - Katie Newholm, Sue Bekken, and Erika Fons will be talking to staff about their new club/organization they will be starting up. They are in need of one regular education teacher who would be willing to also be a club advisor for this group.
- 1:10 - 1:30ish - Suzanne Dunbar, our Librarian is coming to assist with some library tools that can help staff and students.
- 1:30 on... ELA Curriculum - brief discussion for the 2016-2017 school year.
- Scheduling for the 2016-2017 school year - where we are in the process...
- Student Led Conferences - touch base and show the advisory powerpoint each advisory teacher will use.
- PBIS - Data and Karcher Character Bucks
- Student Goal Sheets - applied academic teachers please come with your 15-20 students you would like to write a positive message to and then the academic teachers will divide out the rest. Special education teachers please make sure you give your 15-20 student list to a team member of yours as you will be working on Forward Exam needs for our special education students.
- We will not be working on the MAPs test at this time... from looking at the list above we will not have adequate time to work through the tests... I will find another time to get this in.
- Monday afternoon - Special Education Teachers - February 29th
- You have the afternoon to work your IEPs for your students and state testing. Here is what Gail emailed you regarding this: Due to the additional paperwork requirements that special education will have on behalf of state testing and DPI form changes, you will be granted prep time from 1:00to 3:00 on that day. The support staff from district office will be making the rounds to answer your questions and to assist in any way possible.
- KCB Rewards:
- Month of March - Hallway DJ - Students will be able to turn in the name of a song they would like have played during our common passing time for a certain number of KCBs - Matt will be sharing details at the staff meeting.
- March 11th is the next FNL from 5:00-7:00pm. If you are able and willing to assist please let Mike Jones know.
- March 18th - students will be able to use their KCBs to buy items during lunch. The food menu has been updated and Matt will be sharing the menu with staff on March 11th.
- Tuesday - March 1st - Start of scheduling...
- Members of each house will be working on dividing students into houses and working on the beginning stages of scheduling. Special Education teachers will also be involved assisting with the needs of our special education students.
- Tech Tuesday - March 1st: Molly will be assisting staff with creating an interactive slideshow in Google Slides, super cool way to use Slides. If interested Molly will start at 2:40 in her room.
- PLC this week are in your classrooms continuing your work with standards and common assessments. Thank you to those of you who made a copy of your work so far, if you have not made a paper copy and placed in my mailbox please do so by the end of this week.
- Forward Exam information: Forward Exam Information from DPI
- Reminder - lunch detention and collecting of KCBs is located in Jennifer Pelnar's room.
- Advisory teachers - Google Slide Format
- Please make sure you are finalizing your student led conferences for each of your advisory students.
- March 1st - Deadline for students to have their items added to their E-portfolios for student led conferences.
- Classroom teachers please make sure you are checking the folders pertaining to your subject area and providing time within your class for students to add necessary artifacts.
- Band-O-Rama is March 7th @ 7:00pm @ BHS gym.
- March 7 & 14 will be an extended advisory time for students to work on their student led conferences presentation to their parents. This time should be used to practice presenting for their conferences held on either the 14th or 22nd.
- Student led conferences/parent-teacher conferences are March 14 and March 22 from 4:00 - 8:00.
- Student Led times are at 4:00 and 6:00
- Parent/Teacher conferences held in the library will be from 4:45 - 5:45 and 6:45 - 8:00
- National Junior Honors Society awards will be held on March 21st in the BHS auditorium starting at 6:30pm.
- See Mike Jones or Stephanie Rummler for details.
- March 24 - 8th grade Hive House field trip to Discovery World.
- And we can't forget that spring break starts March 25th!!! Coming up fairly quickly :)
Pictures from the week
Article of the week:
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