- Congrats to Nicole DeLassus who had their first boy on March 5th! Dylan Thomas weighing in at 7lbs 12 oz and 20 3/4 inches long will be joining his two older sisters!!! Nicole and Dylan are doing great :)
- Thank you to Jon Nelson and Briana Harris for helping cover classes this past week where we had some needs. Also, Thank you to Drea Bueling as well for coming in early to assist with coverage as well!
- Thank you as well to Kurt Rummler and Alyssa Riggs for shifting your classes into Jack Schmidt and Stephanie Rummler's rooms so that they could use the library for the Ellis Island Simulation.
- Kudos to Jenny Geyso!!! The below email was sent to me thanking Jenny for her efforts and support this year for their student in JEDI. Though we don't see Jenny on the daily she continues to make ripples with students and families! Thank you Jenny!
- Parent email: I am hoping this finds the right place. I just wanted to take a moment to highlight the help that Jenny Geyso has given myself and my boys with Jedi. She is always quick to reply to my many questions. If she doesn't know an answer, she finds one. I just wanted to tell her management that she is doing a great job!
- Lastly, thank you to Kim Moss for coming over to assist at the high school when someone was needed to be in the attendance office for 7-12! Thanks Kimmy!
- Monday, March 8 - District Essential Skill Committee from 3:45-5:15 via Zoom.
- We will continue our conversations about grading practices!
- Monday, March 8 - School Board Meeting
- Dr. Steve Plank will be updating the board regarding the district vaccination days and also discuss the possibility of returning all students to in-person learning 5 days per week.
- Tuesday, March 9 - HS ACT Testing Day.
- Therefore, this is NOT a B Day for our students! This is a "Wednesday" day for all 7-12 staff and students. Students should and can still come in like they typically would for help on Wednesdays.
- Tuesday, March 9th is the end of term 3!!!
- The grading window will close Thursday, March 11 at 3:30!
- Wednesday, March 10 - District Sponsored COVID Vaccination Day.
- This is a day of virtual learning for all students 4K-12.
- 7-12 this is a Live Google Meet day for our B Day students following our typical bell schedule. This is a typical virtual day for our A Day students when B is usually in-person.
- Those utilizing the district sponsored time for the vaccination have the ability to be out of the building for 2 hours so that you have time to travel and receive the vaccination. Otherwise, staff are expected to report to school/work!
- If you have an appointment set that conflicts with a class period please communicate necessary tasks/activities with your students prior to your appointment.
- Wednesday, March 10 - 2021-2022 Budgets are due!!!
- FIRM DATE!!!!!!!
6-8 2021-2022 Scheduling Information
- We have been working to have any students who did not turn in their elective course requests into Skyward this past week.
- Then, Nicole DeLassus ran the elective course requests!
- I will work my way around to the elective staff to share numbers and work to determine who will be teaching what. It was great to see almost all of the courses proposed to the board will have sections running!
- Wednesday, March 10 - Amanda Thate, Alyssa Riggs, and myself will be talking with CESA 2 to hear their thoughts on how we should schedule our students who have an IEP with the adjustments we have been working to make to focus more on students actual IEP goals and aligning IEP minutes to their goals versus aligning IEP minutes to the length of class periods. Our special education teachers, grades 7-12, have engaged in a few training sessions already with CESA 2 and continue to learn and adjust based on our new learning! This will be an adjustment for everyone - but - a much needed adjustment was our special education teachers should be focusing on student IEP goals and not simply supporting within a classroom setting.
- After we have the conversation with CESA 2 we will determine how best to schedule our students who have na IEP.
- BLT... I do not think we are quite ready to discuss the 2021-2022 schedule as the elective requests just came in and I would like to meet with all the elective staff first. Then, lets plan on meeting March 24 from 12-1 to talk through the schedule for next year and iron anything out that needs ironing!
- Therefore, no BLT meeting this Tuesday, March 9!
- Then we will... "push the button" and clean up sections in April/May!
6-8 Budget/Supplies Information
- 2021-2022 Budget Information:
- Next year's budgets are due no later than Wednesday, March 10!!! This is an adjustment by two days and I need time to firm up the building budget and meet with Ruth prior to spring break. Therefore, March 10 is a FIRM date to submit your budget requests for the 2021-2022 school year.
- Please stay very close or under what you were in terms of your budget for this coming school year.
- The following departments can increase a little bit...
- Art, STEM, Music, PE, Spanish
- All forms need to be completed using Google Docs.
- Because everyone is in a different building than Kim Moss please send your forms to Kim via email once they are completed. Kim will then take it from there!
- When naming your budget documents please use this naming convention:
- Last Name(21-22)Budget Worksheet Form
- Example: Botsford(21-22)Budget Worksheet Form
- Last Name(21-22)Budget Requisition Order Form
- Budget Worksheet Form
- This form is what everyone needs to fill out for your entire budget. This form indicates the total amount you need/will have for the 2021-2022 school year.
- 6th grade staff... a few years ago we decided to make things easier for teachers (adjustment Karcher made) where you can put your funds in 411 (consumables) if you would prefer to order items as they are needed throughout the school year versus determining needs right now. I don't know if you were used to listing everything you needed right now for later or not. What I am saying is you don't need to do that if the things you need could be ordered via Amazon, picked up at Walmart in town, Menards, etc. the week prior to needing it during the school year. This was a decision BLT/Kim wanted to try and is now the practice.
- Basically... lets say you usually have 200 dollars for your budget. You can just put down 200 dollars under 411 and submit that to Kim. Then, throughout the school year you can spend the 200 dollars when you need to use it. If this is not your preferred way of doing things then you would want to also submit the Budget Requisition Order Form that is below.
- The above form is all Kim needs you to fill out if there are no items you need on your list prior to the start of the school year.
- Budget Requisition Order Form
- This form should be used to request items that are needed for the start of the school year.
- Kim also prefers you to locate the item you need online, turn it into a PDF, and then attach the PDF to your requisition order form ("attach" by including it as part of your form via email and/or inter school mail to Kim).
- The why here is she has the ability to see exactly what it is you are looking for and then when she goes to order it for you in August she can see the exact picture of the item you want, etc.
- Example Budget Requisition Form - if you can just print off a shopping cart list
- It is preferred that all Amazon orders take place in August or later for the 2021-2022 school year as items requested now may not still be available in August.
- Meaning... if you are listing things that you need for the start of the school year there might be adjustments to the cost or availability of the items come August. If there is a discrepancy of what is needed to what is available Kim will contact you in August to sort it out.
- Also... all online orders the goal is to use our BASD credit card account.
- If you do not know your Function Number (Example: English 122200) email or ask Kim and she will help with what your number is.
- Please send your budget information to Kim no later than March 10!
- BASD Supplied Materials for the 2021-2022 year
- Items that will continue to be housed at the warehouse will be THESE items (basically paper product related)
- Starting in the 2021-2022 school year each individual school will be responsible for ordering other typical consumables needed for day to day needs.
- I made an Excel so that Kim knows what items staff really use versus just sit in the cabinets to ensure the building budget is used properly.
- 6-8 Certified Staff: Please OPEN THIS EXCEL and put your initials behind each item that you would use/need at the start of the school year. At the bottom of this Excel there is also space for you to list other items you use all the time and wish were part of the supplies in the main office. No guarantee they will be included but curious what other items would be preferred!
Pictures from this past week!!!
A little 4-Base and/or Volleyball for students with Hans Block and Jon Nelson!
8th graders working through specific measures with Dustan Eckmann in Orchestra!
7th graders working on their Companion Book as they work to make revisions and/or complete their written three chapters with Ellen Murphy.