- Thanks again to our Burlington Connected crew (Stephanie Rummler, Mike Jones, Jenny Geyso, Donna Sturdevant, Patti Tenhagen, Katherine Botsford, Barb Berezowitz, Kailee Smith, Jon Nelson, Pam Dennert, and Jennifer Pelnar) for your behind the scenes work to get things up and running for our pilot virtual option to start tomorrow, January 25 with students!
- When contacting families about this option they were BEYOND thankful for this opportunity for their student! In the current climate with unknowns and personal stories/needs within families it is awesome to see everyones commitment and compassion to assist with supporting all of our students!
- Thank you to Kim Moss, Stacey Steeples, and Nicole DeLassus as they are working behind the scenes on setting everything scheduling related up for the 2021-2022 school year. Setting this all up is not a simple clone as it has been in the past with little tweaks here and there. This is more intensive as we are adding a grade level, adjusting from quarters to trimesters, adding new courses, new staff, all new room numbers, new bell schedule, etc.
- Our goal is for students to be selecting their elective requests mid-February where we will know how many sections of each elective we need to offer based on student requests by March 1. Again... this is our goal!
Videos This Week!
- 2020-2021 Budgets
- We are approaching that time of year where your 2020-2021 budgets should be accounted for as to what your funds were slotted for. As an administrative team we will be meeting on February 2 to talk through how the budgets for the 2021-2022 will work - working to streamline our process K-12!
- Potential Return to 5 Days per Week
- Thank you all for your feedback, questions, and solutions you came up with during team time to assist with ensuring we have thought of everything IF we end up needing to transition all students being in-person 5 days per week.
- Again... at this time we have no plans for this... we simply want to be ready in the event we have to move in this direction.
- Bwell: Bio-metric Screening
- This link is a 15 minute video explaining how Bwell works! It is similar to former programs used in the past with challenges to gain points, etc.
- It pays to participate! Completing the biometric screening earns points in the Measure Up portal challenge. Employees who meet the eligibility criteria, will receive an additional HSA contribution in 2022.
- The Bwell Biometric Screening will be taking place on February 11 and 12.
- Click HERE to schedule your appointment.
- The times and locations are:
- Thursday, February 11
- Dyer Intermediate School (Cafeteria)
- 2:30pm – 5:30pm
- Friday, February 12
- Burlington High School (Commons)
- 6:30am – 2:00pm
- The screening will be non-fasting and include measurements of: Total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose, and height/weight for BMI. The test requires a finger stick, which takes just a few drops of blood. You will receive immediate results with information about next steps to take. Look for sign-up details coming soon.
- Our goal as a company is to have 75% of insured BASD employees participate in the onsite biometric screening.
- Friday, February 12 - 8:00-4:00 Inservice Day
- ALL staff (certified & non-certified) are asked to be in the virtual attendance from 8:00-11:30. Non-certified staff, you have hours for the 12th on your return to work notices but they were subject to change. Therefore, wanting you to know the hours shifted a bit!
- 8:00-8:30
- Welcome from Dr. Plank
- Longevity Awards
- 8:30-11:30
- Reggie Jackson Presentation
- 11:30-12:30
- Lunch
- 12:30-2:30
- Grade Level Meetings
- Please use this time for Essential Skills. Knowing we will be going to the Standards Gradebook do you have the below ready?
- Essentials and subskills listed on your "Essential Skills at a Glance" are correct and updated.
- If you have adjustments highlight them in a color and send them to Kim to adjust in Skyward!
- Rubrics are continuously evolving and being adjusted.
- Common Formatives have been made.
- Common Summatives...
- 2:30-4:00
- 6-8 Building Level Time.
- We will most likely be starting in the gym at Karcher. Part of our time will be a game of sorts in the NEW 6-8 building!
- We needed to flip our building level time and grade level time due to wanting to get in the new building and being able to after 2:30!
This Week!
- Monday, January 25
- Burlington Connected Starts!
- iTime Rotations Start - focused on math/reading needs utilizing our Winter iReady data!
- Staff Meeting starting at 2:40-3:00 in the BHS auditorium.
- K-5 Essential Skills staff participating in presentations for a new Social Studies adoption.
- Wednesday, January 27
- Burlington Connected check-in at 10:30
- BLT Meeting 12:00-1:00
- Special Education Department Meeting @ 2:00
- Thursday/Friday, January 28-29
- Annie will be attending the Assistant Principal Conference
- Therefore, Jon Nelson will be assisting as admin help at both BHS and Karcher!
- Thursday, January 28
- Parent/Teacher Conferences from 4:00-6:00
- This is invite only and/or requests only.
Picture from this past week!
These pictures are from 3rd grade at Karcher. This is Alice Gordon bringing students together for a mini lesson and then using formative data to develop strategy groups to work through fractions. Wells Schmidt is in these pictures (Jack Schmidt's son!)
These pictures are also 3rd grade with Jessica Hardt. Students were working on opinion writing - focused on hooking the reader to want to read about their opinion they came up with while also developing reasons to support their opinion. Students who completed their opinion writing were able to choose books from their classroom library and read independently.
The wall that is straight back from this picture is the wall that will have a HUGE graphic all over it - starting right under the windows to the floor on the lower level. (BLT... this is the wall we will be talking about a bit!) Science classrooms and LMC are on the left, Fitness on the right with locker rooms/bathrooms on the right lower level.
These are examples of how the lower level stained concrete will look in the main areas - commons and hallways!
These are 3rd graders at Lyons with Katherine Meyers. Alice Gordon and I went out to Lyons to observe another 3rd grade teacher utilizing the Bridges curriculum.
Students in Patti Tenhagen's 7th grade math class working collaboratively to figure out unit rates of real world items. Example, if 10 oz of strawberries cost $2.50 then how much would 1 ounce cost?
Students in 7th grade science with Barb Berezowitz and Andrea Hancock making models of the cell cycle.