2019-2020 Karcher Calendar
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KarcherMiddleSchool/
BASD Staff Blog: https://basdstaffnews.blogspot.com/
2019-2020 Karcher Calendar
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KarcherMiddleSchool/
BASD Staff Blog: https://basdstaffnews.blogspot.com/
- Kudos to Briana Harris for wanting to get a video of our staff together for our students! If you are interested in participating please fill out THIS Google Form. One of our character traits is courage... you can do this!!! Students would love it!
- Kudos to Stephanie Rummler for getting the Chalk Drawing Quest also going in the background...
- Here is Stehpanie's email to staff regarding this:
- The News Crew students are putting together a segment building off the idea of the uplifting chalk drawings appearing in driveways. We are trying to get as many photos as possible to make a montage. If you are willing to create a message and take a picture of it, send it to me or Suzanne and we can compile them. Be in the pic or not - sign it or not - whatever you can send. All inappropriate messages will be filtered out... :) Thank you!! Example... -Steph and the SC Officers
- Thank you to Kris Thomsen and Kim Moss for assisting with our material printing/organization. Everything from staff needed for student pick up on Monday has been organized and brought over to Dyer.
- Remember... if you are needing students to pick materials up please make sure you collaborate with your peers and decide who is sending the district message to ONLY the students who need the message. I am sure you did this already, as pick up is tomorrow!
- And... kudos to all staff as we all know this is a learning process for everyone, including ourselves! I truly appreciate that you are reaching out to your students and asking them about the work load, is the information easy to understand, and/or what else they could use or need to be successful from home! Below is a great list of our successes so far at Karcher!
- 7th grade science students discovered the difference between angiosperm and gymnosperm methods of reproduction and demonstrated their skill of analyzing and interpreting data from multiple sources through online formative assessments.
- Art had several students that took the Famous Faces Remake Drawing Project a step further to incorporate their own personality/unique spin on the project!
- Seventh grade ELA students learned to take Cornell Notes before online schooling and have been using this newly acquired skill to comprehend a set of nonfiction online texts.
- 8th grade social studies classes are creating WWI One Pagers to incorporate significant events, advancements, and figures in the war - students are choosing whether to upload their own drawings or create digital collages - fun to see their choices and efforts. (Silver House)
- Our Wellness students just finished a text dependent analysis about the negative effects of vaping.
- 8th grade ELA students have been honestly documenting living through this unprecedented time in their Living History Journals.
- Advanced Spanish students demonstrated mastery of using the construction ir+a+infinitive using a completely new platform for assessment.
- Intro Spanish students are rocking out the Spanish-speaking countries/capitals unit online with questions and comments galore.
- 8th grade science students explored the properties of mixtures, solubility, melting, and dissolving
- 8th grade science students are working on their first “virtual lab” for determining whether substances are acids or bases. Using a screencastify, they are reading results from pictures of a lab (that I performed at home) and creating a data table to communicate the results.
- 8th grade social studies (hive house) students have gained an understanding of the causes for WWI
- STEM students are learning about the Bernoulli Principle this week. The Bernoulli Principle helps explain that an aircraft can achieve lift because of the shape of its wings.
- 8th grade math has been doing an extensive review of the big topics we have worked on this year so far and are ready to move ahead with new learning. Kids are working hard from home and asking great questions when necessary.
Staff news!!!
Remember... if anyone has anything to share shoot me a quick email and picture! Would love to keep everyone connected! Maybe you painted a room in your house, remodeled something, got a new puppy, etc! Anything and everything!
Remember... if anyone has anything to share shoot me a quick email and picture! Would love to keep everyone connected! Maybe you painted a room in your house, remodeled something, got a new puppy, etc! Anything and everything!
Article this week
March 12, 2020

In a mass-quarantine center in Wuhan, the megacity where this coronavirus first emerged, women have turned to karaoke to lift the spirits of sequestered groups.
Photograph by Wang Yuguo / Xinhua / Redux
New Construction Information
- Click HERE to access the new building blog!
This week:
- BASD guidelines for pass/fail.
- We have talked about this with staff throughout the week during our daily team meetings and I wanted to share the information that is a working document within the district. If you have questions please bring them up during our morning meetings!
- This is also linked on our Karcher Calendar.
- Pictures! Sharing our story!
- We need pictures for social media! This connects everyone together!!! We know you cannot see students online but perhaps you could reach out to students asking them to take pictures of themselves doing classwork at home, pertaining to a specific topic or activity you are having them do!
- Annie has been working on getting The Medal of Awesome back up and running! She will communicate with you about the "how" once the medal comes to you!
- Monday, April 6 - Forward Exam testing will begin...
- Oh wait... never mind! But it is crazy to look at the calendar and see what we are not able to do while teaching through virtual learning.
- Monday, April 6 - District Material pick-up at Dyer.
- The pick up will be from noon until 6:00pm. If a student asks you about pick-up they can either have their parent/guardian drive over to Dyer any time in that window or they (the student) can walk to Dyer to get their materials, either way will work!
- Any student that still has materials at Dyer after the pick up window will have their materials brought to them via delivery. We want everyone to come to Dyer but if they cannot know we will still get them their materials!
- Tuesday, April 7 - School Psychologist position
- We conducted a first round of interviews for the open school psychologist position.
- We are bringing 3 of the 7 candidates back on Tuesday for a second round of interviews. The candidate pool was strong!
- Side note... right before the last interview I wanted to take a hot lap around the 2nd floor of Karcher as I was sitting all day. I get back to the library and realize I locked myself out of the library/office area! My school keys, phone, and car keys were all in my office and the next interview started in 2 minutes! Normally someone else is in the building right... not right now! Thank GOD I have an apple watch (which I never wanted but was given one as a gift - again - thankful) and I stood close to my office, called Connie Zinnen from my watch, and she came to let me in!
- Embarrassing!
- Friday, April 10 - No school
Looking ahead:
- Monday, April 13 - Inservice Day
- This will continue to be an inservice day throughout the school district. There is work to be done when it comes to Essential Skills so we will be using the morning from 8:00 - 12:00 to work on Essential Skills.
- Please coordinate with your colleagues your plans to "meet" virtually.
- Annie and I will leave a Google Meet "on" from 8-12 so that any group can jump into the Google Meet to ask a question throughout this time.
- We may also send you a Google Meet to check-in!
- 12:00 - 4:00 will be teacher work time... time for you to use however you want!
- Monday, April 13 - Scheduling Committee
- Those on the scheduling committee I will send you an invite for us to meet starting at 1:00 - 2:00. I do think keeping it to an hour is important when we are working from home as we all realize you have other things you may want to be working on seeing as this environment is new to us! So... I will send that invite to the committee! Just FYI...
Pictures from the week
We need some!!!!!!