2019-2020 Karcher Calendar
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KarcherMiddleSchool/
BASD Staff Blog: https://basdstaffnews.blogspot.com/
2019-2020 Karcher Calendar
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KarcherMiddleSchool/
BASD Staff Blog: https://basdstaffnews.blogspot.com/
- Kudos to Dustan Eckmann and Liz Deger on a fabulous 5 - 12 strings concert this past Tuesday! It is always awesome to see the progression of talent spanning from 5th grade to seniors! And... playing a song all together - awesome!!!
- Thank you BLT for tweaking our process for parent/guardian/teacher conferences that are coming up! Your collaboration and team work is awesome!
- Kudos to Stephanie Rummler for leading the charge with our student council students at the Leadership Conference in Whitewater this past Wednesday and overseeing our 2nd annual SNOCO dance! Both events were great experiences for students!
- And... thank you to the following staff members that came to chaperone and support the SNOCO dance! Our events cannot go on without your support so thank you: Kurt Rummler, Kris Thomsen, Suzanne Dunbar, Johnny Aguirre, Carmen Rivas, Eric Sulik, Mike Jones, and Officer Borchart! Thanks again!
- Last but not least... we conducted interviews for our open ESL teaching position that is split between Karcher and BHS. We are happy to share that Deanna Hawks will be joining our team starting this Tuesday! Deanna earned her Bachelors degree from the University of Wisconsin - Madison, majoring in both Spanish and Linguistics. She then went to the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee for her teaching certifications in both 6-12 Spanish and K-12 ESL. She just finished student teaching this fall and is very eager and excited to be joining our teams at both Karcher and BHS!
- Karly Nadowlski will be assisting Monday through Thursday to help with the transition for Deanna.
- Deanna will be starting this Tuesday right away in the morning! She will then start taking over the classes, etc this Friday!
- Please welcome Deanna to our team!
Article this week: As I was reading some articles about disciplinary literacy I cam across this table and felt it was a great synthesis to help us reflect on the use and intention of our lessons across all disciplines. As we have recently been working on analyzing the TDAs and how all of us can "own" our data this table can help you reflect and think about what text you are pulling for your writing prompt and how we can support into what good readers and writers do!
New Construction Information
- To separate out information just pertaining to the new middle school I put together a blog just for the 6-8 KMS building!
- Click HERE to access the new building blog. I will add information here when things come up and will always have the link here in the blog for all of you! It is also on the Karcher Calendar :)))
Other overall important information:
- Parent/Guardian/Teacher Conferences - Conferences are on February 25 from 4:00 - 6:00pm.
- As teams please continue your work you have started to secure parents/guardians that we would like to have the opportunity to talk with relating to their students growth and progress so far this school year.
- Our goal should be to secure 90% of the conferences you would like to have by the end of this week.
- Elective teachers please make sure you jump onto the meetings academic teachers are setting up or set up meetings within your team as well!
- Click HERE to access the Google Excel document our BLT created to track the conferences.
- Employee Portal & Ready Sub reminders
- This is just a reminder that we need all employees to put in their absences ASAP when the absence occurs. Every employee should be going into Ready Sub and posting for a sub or indicating "no sub needed" for your absence.
- When possible, due to a sub shortage, if more than one person will be out for a planned absence on the same day please work together to determine if two subs are needed or one during your absence.
- 2019-2020 Budget:
- All of your department budgets should be spent by March 15 with the exception of field trips, food, and needed consumables.
- You cannot purchase a gift card with any school funds. Therefore, do not purchase a gift card with the remaining funds you might have in your budget so that you can use the gift card later - this is not a legal practice.
- 2020-2021 Budget Information:
- When determining your budget please think through the lens of what you need to support student learning versus what you want (would be nice to have but not a necessity).
- All forms are in Google Docs again. Please complete all of our budget information in Google Docs.
- Everyone needs to print a copy of your budget sheets and hand them to Kim and move your budget documents into THIS Karcher folder.
- When naming your budget documents please use this naming convention so that it is easy to search:
- Last Name - Budget Requisition Order Form
- Last Name - 2019-2020 Budget Worksheet Form (Example: Ebbers - Budget Requisition Order Form)
- THIS form is what everyone needs to fill out for your entire budget. This form indicates the total amount you need/want for the 2020-2021 school year.
- The above form is all Kim needs you to fill out if there are no items you need on your list prior to the start of the school year. Meaning, if you are wanting to purchase items as you need them during the school year the above form is all you need to fill out.
- Use THIS form to request items that are needed for the start of the school year.
- If you are needing furniture for your classroom please fill out a separate Budget Requisition Form for these items. When looking ahead we will only be purchasing furniture conducive to move to the new building, meaning, we simply need to be consistent on colors, etc. So, keeping these items separate from your budget will assist with ensuring consistency.
- Example Budget Requisition Form - if you can just print off a shopping cart list
- It is preferred that all Amazon orders take place in August or later for the 2020-2021 school year as items requested now may not still be available in August.
- Also... with all online orders the goal will continue to be where we use our BASD credit card account.
- If you do not know your Function Number (Example: English 122200) email or ask Kim and she will help with what your number is.
- Please send your budget information to Kim no later than February 28!
- Reminder to utilize the Warehouse for items we already keep a supply of within the district versus using the building budget for those items - images below are warehouse items. If you would like a copy of this Kim has it in the main office.
This week:
- Monday, February 10 - all of our 7th graders should have turned in their elective course requests! Please collect your advisory student's course request forms, put them in the folder given to you, highlight names that have turned them in on your advisory sheet, and then turn in your folder to Kris Thomsen. We, the office, will then work on collecting request sheets from students who have not turned theirs in yet.
- Monday, February 10 - Staff meeting from 2:40 - 3:00. We will use this time for Jon Nelson and Eric Sulik to review next week's plans for advisory as our HS DRIVEN students are coming next Friday and our day will be atypical.
- Tuesday, February 11 - Special Education Department meeting (small conference room 2:40 - 3:15).
- Wednesday, February 12 - PLC is focused on Essential Skills this week (meeting wherever your team wants to meet)
- Everyone should be working on cleaning up rubrics, creating formative/summative assessments, or looking at formative student data to inform your instruction.
- Another item to look at between now and February 28th is your Essential Skills at a Glance document. We need your Essential Skills and subskills to be accurate so that when we clone the behind the scenes standards-based gradebook course everything is correct when we clone. We can edit after we clone it just saves time to fix it once versus for 8 sections of courses.
- Elective staff - thank you for getting Kris your adjustments already.
- Academic - you do have until our next inservice to take care of the At a Glance sheets.
- Friday, February 14 - co-teaching special education teachers will be participating in some professional development from 12:00 - 3:00 in the reading lounge (room across from the auditorium). Peggy Black will be coming and working with our staff on what co-teaching 2.0 really is all about know, knowing we are in a world of the GRR model versus the 6 co-teaching strategies our teams first learned about 6-7 years ago.
- Special Education teachers... you are paired up sub wise with a staff member at the high school. Please reach out to your HS partner so that they can put where your shared sub should go upon their arrival.
- Paired teams:
- Emily Boyd/Joe VanDommelen
- Marnie Lukenbill/Kelly Fulton
- Ryan Mielke/Briana Harris
- Ashley Schilleman/Amanda Thate
- Brian Skweres/Alyssa Riggs
- The HS time with Peggy is from 8:00 - 11:00. Subs will have travel time and lunch between 11:00 - 12:00. Peggy too will be traveling from BHS to Karcher during that time frame.
- Annie Phillips will be attending the session with all of you in the afternoon. Therefore, Jon Nelson will be in the office to cover admin.
- My schedule:
- I will be attending the AWSA Secondary Principals Conference starting Wednesday afternoon through Friday. Therefore, I will be here briefly in the morning on Wednesday to work with our K-8 ID special education teachers around our Essential Skill work. Then I will be leaving for the conference.
Looking ahead:
- Tuesday, February 18 - Student council Culvers night from 5:00 - 8:00!
- Wednesday, February 19 - All 7th grade elective course requests entered in Skyward during science classes.
- Wednesday, February 19 - Scheduling Committee meeting starting at 3:20 @ Dyer in their library.
- Friday, February 21 - Adjusted bell schedule - BHS DRIVEN time with our students.
- Friday, February 21 - all 8th grade course requests completed.
Pictures from the week