Forward Exam & School Report Card results! Kudos to everyone as we "Exceed Expectations"!!!
The first data to look at is our Forward Data
Below is a breakdown of how we measure up against other school districts when it comes to the number of students proficient or advanced on the Forward Exam by subject. 7th grade students take the ELA and math assessments. 8th grade students take: ELA, math, science, and social studies. Overall, as a school, we did a nice job!!! Especially on our student growth! You will see that in the break down of the School Report Card at the bottom!!! Nice work everyone!!! Proud of you all!
AND... great work this morning analyzing our data by standard on the Forward. I read all of your thoughts and plans to address areas of need... such great reflections and intentional focus on making improvements to our curriculum and instruction! Thank you for that! Click HERE to see your plans and data dive comments from this morning.
Comparing us to neighboring conference schools
7th grade ELA
8th grade ELA
7th grade Math
8th grade Math
8th grade Science
8th grade Social Studies
Other neighboring school districts...
8th grade Social Studies
8th grade Science
8th grade Math
8th grade ELA
7th grade Math
7th grade ELA
AND... as I always like to do... comparing us to "high flying school districts" with very different demographics to ours and yet we hang with them!!!!!!!
7th grade ELA
7th grade Math

8th grade Math
8th grade ELA
8th grade Science
8th grade Social Studies
School Report Card Data
Over the past two years there has been an adjustment to School Report Cards in that there is "priority area weights" given to the four priority areas. Each district has a different percent weight for each of the four categories. Our HIGHEST score comes from our School Growth data. What that really means is... once we have the students we grow the students more than the expected amount of growth, which, is AMAZING!!!!!!! We have consistently been strong in the school growth area. Our lowest area is our Closing Gaps area where the achievement scores are compared to each other when it comes to race, socio-economic status, and students with disabilities. These areas continue to be areas of concern for our building and across the district. I have been pleased to see our focus in iTime around targeted instruction for students along with your focuses on your SLOs to bring up our students who are below grade level while also pushing our students at or above grade level as well.
Here is the breakdown of the Student Achievement data. This shows us the number of students who scored advanced, proficient, basic, or below basic over a three year trend for ELA and math.
And... our achievement data by subgroups.
Here is our School Growth Data! What is awesome to see and analyze is that anything above a 3.0 is above the expected growth because a score of a 3.0 IS the expected growth goal "number". So we want ALL of our scores to be above a 3 and we are WELL ABOVE the a 3.0 in all areas!!! So awesome! When they get to us we really know how to grow students!!!
Here is our Closing Gaps data. As an admin team we will be learning from CESA 6 on how to analyze our report card data further so we can leverage our work to improve our student outcomes. This will be one area of focus for us.
And lastly... the On-Track and Postsecondary Readiness involves our attendance and our math achievement scores. We score ok here but I would like to analyze our attendance data further to see if we can clean some of it up!