2019-2020 Karcher Calendar
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KarcherMiddleSchool/
BASD Staff Blog: https://basdstaffnews.blogspot.com
2019-2020 Karcher Calendar
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KarcherMiddleSchool/
BASD Staff Blog: https://basdstaffnews.blogspot.com
- Thank you to everyone for all of your hard work and efforts this past week to get the building ready for our eager students on Tuesday! It was great to see so many people here at Open House and to have the building full of students again! A huge shout out to Zane Bale who was here until 8:45 that night assisting families with registration and touring the building! Thank you!
- Thank you to Stacy Stoughton for all of your organization and commitment to the district with the ordering of the district t-shirts! That is a lot of behind the scenes work! Thank you!
- Thank you to our staff who are taking on our extra curricular activities that will be starting up week one and two:
- Alyssa Riggs and Briana Harris - cross country
- Brad Ferstenou and Kurt Rummler - girls basketball
- Jon Nelson and Hans Block - flag football
- Kudos to Stephanie Rummler & Suzanne Dunbar for your behind the scenes work with our student council students and the development of the video morning announcements!
- And last but not least... thank you to Donna Sturdevant for your bravery and skills with our unwanted flying visitors during work time! And thank you to numerous other staff members who also assisted (Mike Jones, Steve Berezowitz to name a few) who assisted as well! What we do know is Karcher never has a dull moment!
General Information:
- If you have not already please enter your True Colors from the inservice activity. This will help all of us to see everyone's colors and be mindful of each others strengths and stressors.
- Remember to share your summer fun as we will be posting these slides on the walls in the staff lounge! It is always fun to see what everyone was up to!
- Student lunch codes:
- Mandatory Trainings for all staff to complete:
- Send completion to Kim Moss for:
- Send completion to Jill Sheeley for:
- The following two parking spaces will be reserved for our traveling staff (Wendy Zeman and Ryan Hoffman/Trent Tonn).
- Alley Parking:
- We do have permission for compact cars only to use the parking stalls outside of the art room area. Currently there are "No Parking" signs posted there and we will be taking them down.
- So... if you have a compact car (not a truck, van, or SUV) they you can park in one of those stalls.
- Just make sure your rear end of your vehicle is not encroaching on the "road" section of the alley as buses do need to be able to drive through the alley.
- The area circled in red below is what I am referring to!
- Please always communicate with the main office for:
- Field trips, concerts, sports info, club information.
- Change in room location for classes.
- Going outside with your class - also need to bring a radio (located by the mail boxes in the main office).
- When looking for students it is imperative that we know where we can locate any specific student throughout the school day!!!
- We will no longer be using the "big calendar" by the copy machine in the main office. All necessary information will be located on our 2019-2020 Karcher Calendar.
- If you need things added please let Kim and/or myself know!
- Alley Parking: Please make sure you are only parking in designated parking stalls as the alley is also used by buses and other building needs.
- Sub Plans:
- All special education aides please make sure you give a copy of your sub plans to Lisa Iniguez by September 13!
- Cafeteria - New hot lunch line plans.
- We are going to try something different this year with a one entrance in and one way out for students taking hot lunch. The below image is my attempt (I am not an artist so I apologize in advance) at showing what we are going to try. We will let in about 10 students at a time allowing them to see and decide from either food area space at the same time and then exit all on the same side.

This week:
- Monday, September 2 - No School
- Tuesday, September 3 - First day of school!
- We will be using a different bell schedule.
- All advisory information has been shared with you from the advisory committee.
- The assembly will be general information, get to know the admins, and dress code information.
- Please assist students with the end of the day bus information the was shared with you in my email.
- Wednesday, September 4
- Different bell schedule.
- Students will be getting their assigned chrome books after they have been in the technology assembly.
- There is no PLC! Use for teacher work time.
- Monday, September 9:
- Staff Meeting from 2:40 - 3:00 in our library.
- District MTSS Committee Meeting from 3:45-5:15 in the Karcher library.
- BASD Annual Board Meeting in the BHS auditorium @ 7:00pm
- Tuesday, September 10 - Picture Day
- Special Education Department Meeting 2:40-3:15
- BHS Open House from 5:30-7:15
- Wednesday, September 11 - First PLC in the library.
- Will roll out our PLC plan!
- Friday, September 13 - Field Day - afternoon assembly schedule.
Looking ahead: