- Happy Birthday to Kim Moss who turned 50 on August 24! Some of her friends had a surprise chicken come to Karcher to sing happy birthday!
- Congrats to Amanda Thate and Brian Riggs who got married this summer!!! So staff knows... Amanda is planning on using Ms. Thate still at school and with her school email so that staff and students do not get confused between Mrs. Riggs and Ms. Riggs (at least for this school year!). Congrats again, Amanda!
Take a look at our gym! The final coat was put on today and will be totally ready for use starting Monday morning!
Video for the week:
12 Months as a Teacher
Video for the week:
12 Months as a Teacher
Reminder: Click HERE to share your summer fun! How? Choose the first open slide, put your name on the slide, and include pictures from your summer along with any short explanation/information you want to add to your slide! Please complete by August 27! Thank you and we all can't wait to see!!!
This week...
- Advisory team request/reminders:
- If you have toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, or wrapping paper rolls they could use them for an advisory activity for our Karcher Kick-off day.
- Bring in a picture of yourself from middle school!
- You can give any of the above items to Sue Bekken, Eric Sulik, or Wendy Zeman!
- Advisory Chromebooks:
- A copy of your advisory will be in your mailbox for Tuesday morning. Please get your advisory chromebook carts (8th grade) or boxes 7th grade) from the large conference room prior to Open House.
- Please plug them in and double check that the chromebooks you have match your advisory list.
- Please bring any extra chromebooks that do not match your advisory list to Karen in the library.
- Academic Storage Rooms
- As teams please take a look at your storage rooms and try to straighten them up a bit prior to the start of school. If there are items to get rid of please make a pile in your storage room and put in a maintenance request for removal of those items.
- Room 202 (3rd Floor)
- If you happen to be wanting/looking for any additional tables for your room there is a fair amount of tables in room 202 on the 3rd floor. Currently room 202 is being used for district storage so if there is a table in there you want put in a maintenance request to have it brought to your room!
- Changes:
- Donna Sturdevant is going to utilize room 107 along with room 114.
- Briana Varnes will be in room 108.
- Eric Sulik will be in room 3.
- Room 25 (Sulik's old room) will be an "extra" room for staff to use.
- The large conference room and Ulab will be used for all of our ALLs (Academic Learning Lab) - "structured study hall/assistance from staff".
- Becky Hoesly's old office is now our "small conference room" - where most IEPs and parent meetings will be held.
- Staff should fill out the Google Calendar for room usage of the small conference room.
- Monday, August 27 - Biometric Screenings
- 6:00 - 10:00am at BHS or Dyer if you signed up for a screening.
- Monday, August 27 - Special Education Trainings...
- 8:00 - 12:00 all special education teachers will be meeting in our Karcher library with Kathy Merlo.
- 1:00 - 4:00 - Mandt Recertification training in our Karcher library for all special education aides who have been Mandt certified in the past and need your recertification.
- 1:00 - 4:00 - Special Education Teachers can stay and work for the afternoon with compensation if you would like to stay.
- Monday, August 27 - Annual School Board Meeting - BHS Auditorium @ 7:00pm
- All staff are encouraged to attend the annual board meeting.
- Tuesday, August 28 - First day back for all certified staff.
- 8:00 - 4:00 - Teacher work time.
- There are no meetings scheduled (minus a few IEP meetings) as this is a day for you to get your rooms ready and/or any other needs for the start of the school year.
- Tuesday, August 28 - BASD T-Shirt pick up!
- If you ordered a BASD t-shirt you can pick yours up from Jenny Geyso. Please bring your 10 dollars or a check written to "Educators for Future Educators" with you at the time of pick up!
- Wednesday, August 29 - Certified Staff
- 8:00 - 4:00 work day.
- 8:00 - 10:00 all academic and special education teachers will be participating in an iReady training in the Karcher library grades 6-8. Grades K-8 will all be participating in an iReady training at this time in different locations.
- 10:30 - 12:00 - Building Level meeting in the Karcher Library.
- 12:00 - 1:00 - Lunch on your own.
- 1:00 - 4:00 - AIMSweb training in the Karcher Library for all Inteventionists and Special Education teachers.
- Wednesday, August 29 - Karcher Open House from 7:00pm - 8:00pm.
- Please be in your rooms and ready by 6:45pm for our Open House.
- Below is the document with info about our extra-curricular offerings. Please edit if there are any updates for your activity so we can make it available for students to pick up in the library during Open House on August 29th 7:00-8:00 PM. We will also provide copies of student physical forms. If you have any additional info sheets or materials for your specific activity that you would like available for students to pick up during Open House, please email it to Ryan Heft or place in his mailbox by August 28th at 4:00 PM.
KMS Athletics and Clubs - Elementary open house is from 5:00 - 6:00pm.
- Dyer open house is from 6:00 - 7:00pm.
- The high school's open house is not until September 12.
- Thursday, August 30 - All staff work day from 8:00 - 4:00 starting in the BHS Auditorium.
- If you ordered a BASD t-shirt please wear it Thursday, August 30th!
- 7:30 - 8:00 - Optional continental breakfast will be provided in the BHS commons.
- 8:00 - 8:30 - Welcome and Introduction of new staff - BHS Auditorium
- 8:30 - 11:30 - Trauma Sensitive Schools' Training - BHS Auditorium
- This is part of our district safety grant awarded to schools.
- 11:30 - 12:30 - Lunch on your own.
- 12:30 - 2:00 Building Level Staff Meeting in our Karcher library for all staff.
- Special Education Aides:
- 2:00 - 2:20 - Special education aide meeting in the large conference room.
- 2:20 - 3:00 - Review student IEPs
- 3:15 - 4:00 - All BASD special education aides should report to the BHS auditorium for a health training with Jessica Polcyn, District Nurse.
- Teachers:
- 2:00 - 4:00 - Teacher work time.
- Friday, August 31 - No School
First week of school:
- Monday, September 3 - No School
- Tuesday, September 4 - First day of school!!!
- First day of school bell schedule: Bell Schedule
- Wednesday, September 5
- Wednesday, September 5 - No PLC use your PLC time for prep time.
- Friday, September 7 - Wear your BASD T-Shirt!